Introducing Zia's "best time to contact" analytics

Introducing Zia's "best time to contact" analytics

Dear All,
We hope you're well!

Zia's "best time to contact" is a correspondence-based AI suggestion that help your reps contact your prospects and customers at the right time. It does so by observing the data and the behavior of users in Zoho CRM. Adopting Zia's suggestion will help increase conversion rates considerably in your business. 

On that note, we are thrilled to announce a brand new feature—Zia's Best time to contact analytics, to evaluate the adoption and the effectiveness of these suggestions in your business.

Below are the charts Zia displays as part of best time to contact analytics:
  • Best time to contact analysis summary for leads and contacts
  • Individual analysis of outgoing calls and outgoing emails
  • Best time usage analysis for calls and emails
  • Customer interaction heatmap
  • Call attend rate
  • Email open rate
  • Best time followers
  • Analytics for users who don't follow best time for communication
  • Failed activities
Let's take a quick look into each one of them!

Best time to contact analysis summary for leads and contacts

The best time to contact summary gives you an overview of the calls and emails made in your organization. This section also compares the performance of different kinds of correspondence—specifically, calls and emails conducted at the best time versus those conducted at a different time. This analysis enables you to gauge if Zia's suggestions are accurate or not.

The summary highlights the following:
  • Total number of converted calls and emails
  • Number of calls answered at best time
  • Number of emails opened at best time
  • Number of calls answered at a different time
  • Number of emails answered at a different time

Individual analysis of outgoing calls

This analysis explores outgoing calls in detail. It shows the conversion rate parameter (calls unanswered and calls answered) for all calls—those made at best time and those made at a different time. Also, it classifies outgoing calls as cold calls for first-ever calls made to that prospect and subsequent calls as follow-up calls.

Individual analysis of outgoing emails

This is an analysis of emails sent from your organization. Based on the two KPIs—open rate and response rate—these analytics assess the conversion rate of your email correspondences.

Best time usage

Best time usage is a usage-based analysis that shows how users are using Zia's suggestions. If, according to the above analyses, Zia's suggestions are proven to be beneficial, you can see if your users are adhering to these suggestions. These usage metrics cover calls and emails, separately.

Customer interaction heatmap

This chart is a behavioral map that indicates the peak activity time of correspondences in your organization. It helps you evaluate the correspondence pattern in your business.

Call answer rate

This chart is a one-to-one comparison of the call answer rate of calls made at the suggested best time and calls made at a different time. It's a visual evaluation of the response rate of a given time period.

Email open rate

Email open rate, like call answer rate, is a conversion assessment. It enables you to compare the open rates of emails when they are sent at the suggested best time versus a different time.

Usage-based analysis

Up until now, you could look at the performance of your correspondence and how Zia's best time to contact suggestions were used. This usage-based analysis gives you a direct overview of how individual users have adopted Zia's suggestions, and their individual metrics.

Best time followers

This chart lists out all users in your organizations and their correspondence metrics. You can monitor the adoption and conversion rates of their individual correspondences.

Furthermore, Zia enables you to investigate the conversion rate of users who did not use the suggested best time. It displays the call and email practices of those users and compares their metrics.

Analytics for failed activities

This section discusses all the failed activities related to calls and emails. A failed activity includes unanswered calls, unopened emails, and any correspondence that failed to convert as intended, despite being sent at the best time. These analyses help you understand why the correspondence failed to convert in the first place, and the proportion of failures in the organization.
Below are the charts that Zia provides:
  • Overall failed activities

  • Failed calls

  • Failed emails

  • Failed activities by user

That's all for the updates to Zia's best time to contact analytics—for now. These charts will help you evaluate the performance, efficacy, and usage of Zia's best time suggestions and enable you to make informed decisions.

If you have any questions, feel free to open a discussion in the comments. We have opened this feature for all organizations with 20+ user licenses in Enterprise and Ultimate CRM editions.

Thanks and have a good one!

Kind regards, 
Saranya Balasubramanian

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