Issues with Actions By Zoho Flow

Issues with Actions By Zoho Flow


I have a workflow that fires when a deal reaches a stage.  This then sends out a contract for the client to sign.  I have connected this up through Actions by Zoho Flow.  

Unfortunately this fails to send out.  I have tracked it down to the date fields. For example a number of places I have the clients date of birth on the contract.  These are prefilled from data on the deal record.  When these are not connected the contract sends fine.  when these are not set as a required field the contract goes out fine but doesn't pull through the date of birth.  When these are connected and the fields are required then the contract is not sent out.

I have made sure that the formatting on fields are correct and they both are set at DD/MM/YYYY but still doesn't want to sent.  This is also set correctly at the field mapping.

I have got a flow working that does the same thing and works, unfortunately because another workflow passes the deal to the stage it won't activate the workflow with the webhook for the flow to fire.

Not sure if you can help with this.


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