Kaizen #101 - Q&A Continued

Kaizen #101 - Q&A Continued

Hello everyone!
Welcome back to another week of Kaizen.
We are grateful for all the feedback you gave us! We hope the answers in the 100th Kaizen post have been satisfactory.

This week, we will answer a few more questions you had for us related to Assignment Rules and Widgets

Q: With Zoho CRM Assignment, can we customize transfer to owner base on GoogleSheet or some tools else because my company uses Zoho just for the B2C department and can I assign a lead with conditions are Lead was created yesterday, and count the number of total lead before assign and maximum 1 user can received list of lead?

a. With Zoho CRM Assignment, can we customize transfer to owner based on GoogleSheet or some other tools because my company uses Zoho just for the B2C department?
Yes, you can use Google's integration with Zoho CRM on the Zoho Marketplace. This integration helps you map fields on your Google sheet with a CRM module, say Leads.
Refer to this link for setting up Google sheet integration.

b. Can I assign a lead with the condition "Lead was created yesterday"?
Yes, you can, on the UI. 
  1. Go to Setup > Automation > Assignment Rules.
  2. Click +New Assignment Rule.
  3. Choose the module you want create the assignment rule for, give a name and a description of the rule.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Under Create Rule Entry, select Records matching certain conditions
  6. In the first drop-down, select the "Created Time" field.
  7. In the next drop-down, select "Yesterday". You will notice that the value will be "${YESTERDAY}", by default. This helps you to apply the rule dynamically to Leads that were created yesterday.

c. Count the number of total lead before assigning

This feature is being opened to users in phases. 
The threshold feature allows you to set a limit on the number of records that can be assigned per day to a user through an assignment rule. This helps you to regulate the workload and prevent an overload on specific individuals or teams. 
With this feature, you can 
  • Set the threshold (maximum number of records a user can be assigned with).
  • Assign a user as the default assignee when all the users are at their respective threshold limits.
  • Check for the user's threshold at specific time intervals to assign records.
  • Reallocate records when they remain with the default assignee for a set period.
  • Move them to a new user based on another assignment rule or round-robin
  • Exempt threshold settings for a user when a certain criterion is met.
If you would like to try this out, please drop an email to support@zohocrm.com. We will be happy to enable it for your account on an early access basis.

Q. To avoid duplication of DOM id, class, and Javascript function names in widgets with those on the CRM side, I would like to see a list of DOM id, class, and function names used on the CRM side.

Widgets are rendered within an iframe(inline frame), an HTML element that embeds an HTML document into another HTML document. This iframe has its own behavior, visual style, unique ID, classes, and functions handling its own style of data. The iframe is isolated from the parent window (CRM), having its own DOM ID, classes, and JavaScript function names.  The widgets operate independently with their own boundaries.  
A browser follows the Same-Origin Policy when an iframe is loaded to prevent data leaks. A child iframe will not interact with its parent window because they have different domains, which helps prevent Cross-Site Scripting attacks (XSS) or data threats.
As a result, even if an iframe uses DOM IDs, classes, or JavaScript function names of its parent window, it still cannot access the parent window.

Q. An obstacle that I found when I was preparing my first widget, was how to make it have the same style as Zoho CRM, I mean the colors and font, unfortunately there is no documentation of it or maybe it is not well explained. 

Our development team is currently working on it. However, we cannot provide an ETA at the moment.

Q. Can we use widgets without consuming API credits? 

No, Widgets cannot be used without consuming API credits. Instead of making multiple API calls, you can use the composite API. This option lets you group together several actions into one, and lower the rate of credit consumption.

We hope you found this post useful, and that we have answered your questions. 
We love to hear from you! So, if you have more questions(we hope you do!), please fill out this form and we will answer them in the upcoming posts. 

Happy weekend!

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