Customize Buttons using Client Script

Customize Buttons using Client Script

Hello everyone! 

Welcome back to another interesting Kaizen post. In this post, we can discuss how to customize buttons using Client Script. 

In this kaizen post,
  1. Need for customizing buttons 
  2. ZDKs related to Buttons
  3. Use Case to customize button using Client Script
  4. Solution
  5. Summary
  6. Related Links

1. Need for customizing buttons

  • Enforcing Workflow Steps - By disabling certain buttons based on conditions, you can guide users through a predefined workflow. For example, if you want to notify the customer, when the order is in a particular stage, you can disable the button for other stages.
  • Customize buttons based on your business - You can modify button labels using Client Script to match your company's specific terms.If a button is part of a step-by-step process, change the label to match each step, making it more intuitive for users. 

2. ZDKs related to Buttons

Client Script empowers you to customize buttons and here is the list of ZDKs and Client Script functions to customize standard and custom buttons. 

  • getButtonByID(id)  - You can get the Pages' Button by ID.
  • getButton(api_name)  - You can get the Pages' Button by api name.
  • getButtons()  - You can get the list of buttons in the Page as an array.
  • getId() Using this, you can get the id of button.
  • getType()Using this, you can get the type of button.
  • getLabel()Using this, you can get the name of the button.
  • getApiName()  - Using this, you can get the API name of the button.

3. Use Case for customizing buttons:

      Zylker is a manufacturing company. The Sales representatives initiate the process by creating new deals in the CRM for potential customers or business opportunities.  So they are given the "create" permission. But in real time, there are high chances for an approved record to get cloned, which cannot be permitted. So, Zylker wants to disable the "Clone" button for users having a "Sales" profile.
As per their workflow, once the deal's stage is "Closed Won" a mail should be sent to the Manager and the customer. For this they have a custom button named "mail". But this mail button should not be sent when the deal is in other stages. To ensure this, Zylker wants to disable this button for all other stages of the deal.
Also, for better clarity, Zylker wants to rename the "save" button as "Create Deal" in the Create Page (Standard).

4. Solution:

As per the requirement, you need to create three Client Scripts. 
A. Disable "Clone" button Detail Page (Standard) when the page loads
B. Disable "Mail" button Detail Page (Standard) when the stage changes
C. Rename button in Create Page (Standard)

A. Disable Clone and mail buttons in  Detail Page (Standard)
  • Create a Client Script for  Detail Page (Standard) with onLoad Page event
  • For details about how to create a Client Script, click here.
  • Enter the following script and save.

 // Disable the standard "clone" button
var user = ZDK.Apps.CRM.Users.fetchById($;
 if ( !== 'Sales') {
var clone_btn = ZDK.Page.getButton('clone');

  • In the above script, "clone" is the api name of the standard button.
  • Here is the screenshot that shows the disabled "Clone" button for a user only with Sales Profile.

  • Here is the screenshot that shows the "Clone" button for a user with a non-sales profile user. That is, "Clone" button is not disabled for users having profiles other than "Sales" profile.

B. Disable "Mail" button Detail Page (Standard) when the stage changes
  • Create a Client Script for  Detail Page (Standard) with onChange field event for the field Stage.
  • For details about how to create a Client Script, click here.
  • Enter the following script and save.

// Disable the custom "mail" button
var stage_field = ZDK.Page.getField("Stage");
if (stage_field.getValue != 'Closed Won') {
   ZDK.Page.getButtons().find(a => a.getLabel() === 'mail').disable();
  • Here is the screenshot that shows the disabled "mail" button for a deal with the "Closed Won" stage.

  • Here is the screenshot that shows that "mail" button is not disabled for the deal in the "Value Proposition" stage.

C. Change the label for "save" button in Create Page (Standard)
  • Create a Client Script for Create Page (Standard) with onLoad Page event.
  • For details about how to create a Client Script, click here.
  • Enter the following script and save.

var save_btn = ZDK.Page.getButton('record_save');
save_btn.setLabel('Create Deal');

Here is the screenshot showing the "Create Deal" label instead of the "save" label.


        Using Client Script, currently custom buttons can be disabled only in the Detail Page (Standard) and in the List Page (Standard).        

5. Summary

In this post, we have discussed,
  • How to fetch the label of buttons in Client Script
  • How to disable standard and custom buttons based on conditions
  • How to change the label of a button
  • ZDKs and methods available to customize buttons

Kaizen Collection : 

Click here to view our Kaizen Collection. Also, check our previous post Kaizen#114 - Geocoding Leads' Addresses in ZOHO CRM

We hope you found this post useful. We will meet you next week with another interesting topic!

If you have any questions let us know in the comment section.


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