GET Records | Bulk Read API |
You can fetch a maximum of 200 records per API call. | You can fetch a maximum of 200,000 records per API call. |
The response is available instantly. | The response is not available instantly; the bulk read job is scheduled, and the status is available after job completion in the callback URL. |
The records are available as JSON objects in the response. | The records are available in a downloadable CSV file or ICS file (for events). |
{ "callback": { "method": "post" }, "query": { "module": "Contacts", "fields": [ "Last_Name", "Owner", "Owner.last_name", "Account_Name.Account_Name", "Account_Name.Phone", "Lead_Source", "Created_Time" ], "criteria": { "group_operator": "or", "group": [ { "api_name": "Lead_Source", "comparator": "equal", "value": "Advertisement" }, { "api_name": "Owner.last_name", "comparator": "equal", "value": "Boyle" }, { "api_name": "Account_Name.Phone", "comparator": "contains", "value": "99807" } ] }, "page": 1 } } |
Key and Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
callback JSON Object | Yes | Contains a valid URL, which should allow the HTTP POST method. The Bulk Read Job's details are posted to this URL on successful completion or failure of the job. |
query JSON Object | Yes | Contains the module, fields that you want to export, criteria based on which you want to export the records, and the page. Refer to the query properties table below for more details. |
file_type String | Yes, when you want to export the events as an ICS file. | Specify the value of this key as "ics" to export all records in the Events module as an ICS file. |
Key and Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
module String | Yes | The API name of the module from which you want to export the records. Specify the module name as "Events" if you want to export the records in the Events module as an ics file. |
cvid String | Yes, when you want to export records in a custom view | The unique ID of the custom view whose records you want to export. You can obtain the cvid from the Custom View Metadata API. |
fields JSON Array | No | The API Name of the fields you want to export from the module. Example: First_Name, Last_Name, Email, Owner.last_name. Do not input this key when you want to export the records in the Events module as an ICS file. The system throws FIELDS_NOT_SUPPORTED error, otherwise. |
page Integer | No | Default value for page is 1. The page value '1' means that the first 200,000 records matching your query will be exported. If you want to fetch the records from the range of 200,001 to 400,000, then you should mention the page as '2'. The maximum value for this key is 500. |
criteria JSON Object | No | To filter the records you want to export. This JSON object contains the API name of the field, comparator, and a group. Refer to the criteria properties table below for more details. |
Key and Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
api_name String | Yes, if group and group_operator are not specified. | API name of the field you want to compare. Example: First_Name, Last_Name, Owner.last_name etc,. Example: "criteria": { "api_name": "Lead_Source", "comparator": "equal", "value": "Advertisement" } |
value String or JSON array | Yes, if group and group_operator are not specified. | Positive integer values only. |
group_operator String | Yes, if api_name, comparator & value are not specified. | Logical operators. Supported values are and, or. |
group JSON array | Yes, if api_name, comparator & value are not specified. | Array of criteria objects. |
comparator String | Yes, if group and group_operator are not specified. | Specifies the comparator. Example: equal, greater_than. Refer to the comparators table for more details. |
Data Type | Comparator | Value and Limits |
Number (Integer), Decimal/BigInteger/ Currency/Percent) | equal, not_equal, in, not_in, less_than, less_equal, greater_than, greater_equal | Any number values or ${EMPTY} for empty value. Not more than 19 digits for big integer, allows decimal values for decimal and currency fields. In multi-currency enabled accounts, only home currency value is supported. |
Text (Email, Phone, URL, Picklist, Multi-select, etc) | equal, not_equal, in, not_in, contains, not_contains, starts_with, ends_with | Any text or ${EMPTY} for empty value. Not more than 255 characters. |
Date | equal, not_equal, in, not_in, between, not_between | Any date value in ISO 8601 format or ${EMPTY} for empty value. |
DateTime | equal, not_equal, in, not_in, between, not_between | Any date time value in ISO 8601 format or ${EMPTY} for empty value. Example: 2019-04-01T14:24:04+05:30. Milliseconds are not supported. |
Boolean | equal | true or false. |
Lookup | equal, not_equal, in, not_in | Biginteger value of the lookup, ${EMPTY} for empty value, or use the .(dot) operator to establish a relation between two modules. Example: In the Contacts module, Owner fetches the ID of the Owner, whereas Owner.last_name fetches the last name of the owner. Account_Name fetches the ID of the Account associated with the base module, whereas Account_Name.Phone fetches the phone number of the account associated with the base module. |
Text Area (Multi-line) | Not supported | Not supported |
{ "data": [ { "status": "success", "code": "ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY", "message": "Added successfully.", "details": { "id": "3652397000000646004", "operation": "read", "state": "ADDED", "created_by": { "id": "3652397000000186017", "name": "Patricia Boyle" }, "created_time": "2019-04-01T14:24:04+05:30" } } ], "info": {} } |
{ "data": [ { "id": "3652397000000646004", "operation": "read", "state": "COMPLETED", "result": { "page": 1, "count": 3, "download_url": "/crm/bulk/v2/read/3652397000000646004/result", "per_page": 200000, "more_records": false }, "query": { "fields": [ "Last_Name", "Owner", "Owner.last_name", "Account_Name.Account_Name", "Account_Name.Phone", "Lead_Source", "Created_Time" ], "module": "Contacts", "criteria": { "group_operator": "or", "group": [ { "api_name": "Lead_Source", "comparator": "equal", "value": "Advertisement" }, { "api_name": "Owner.last_name", "comparator": "equal", "value": "Boyle" }, { "api_name": "Account_Name.Phone", "comparator": "contains", "value": "99807" } ] }, "page": 1, "cvid": "554023000000093005" }, "created_by": { "id": "554023000000235011", "name": "Patricia Boyle" }, "created_time": "2019-05-09T14:01:24+05:30" } ] } |
{ "job_id": "554023000000568002", "operation": "read", "state": "COMPLETED", "query": { "module": "Contacts", "criteria": { "group": [ { "api_name": "Lead_Source", "comparator": "equal", "value": "Advertisement" }, { "api_name": "Owner.last_name", "comparator": "equal", "value": "Boyle" }, { "api_name": "Account_Name.Phone", "comparator": "contains", "value": "99807" } ], "group_operator": "or" }, "page": 1, "fields": [ "Last_Name", "Owner", "Owner.last_name", "Account_Name.Account_Name", "Account_Name.Phone", "Lead_Source", "Created_Time" ], "cvid": "554023000000093005" }, "result": { "page": 1, "count": 1588, "download_url": "/crm/bulk/v2/read/554023000000568002/result", "per_page": 200000, "more_records": false } } |
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