{ "data": [ { "Owner": { "name": "Patricia Boyle", "id": "4150868000000225013", }, "Modified_Time": "2020-07-28T11:58:59+05:30", "$attachments": null, "Created_Time": "2020-07-28T11:55:47+05:30", "Parent_Id": { "name": null, "id": "4150868000002567076" }, "$editable": true, "$se_module": "Leads", "$is_shared_to_client": false, "Modified_By": { "name": "Patricia Boyle", "id": "4150868000000225013", }, "$size": null, "$voice_note": false, "id": "4150868000002748029", "Created_By": { "name": "Patricia Boyle", "id": "4150868000000225013", }, "Note_Title": "Contacted", "Note_Content": null } ], "info": { "per_page": 1, "count": 1, "page": 1, "more_records": true } } |
Key | Description |
Owner JSON Object | Represents the name, ID, and email ID of the owner of the note. This is a read-only field. |
Modified_Time Date and time in ISO 8601 format | Represents the date and time at which the note was last modified. This is a read-only field. |
$attachments JSON array | Represents the details of the attachments of the note. |
Created_Time Date and time in ISO 8601 format | Represents the date and time at which the note was created. This is a read-only field. |
Parent_Id JSON object | Represents the name and unique ID of the parent record. |
$editable Boolean | Represents if the current user has the permission edit notes. |
$se_module String | Represents the API name of the parent module. |
$is_shared_to_client Boolean | Represents if the note is shared with a client portal user. |
Modified_By JSON Object | Represents the name, ID, and email ID of the user who last modified the note.This is a read-only field. |
$size Integer | Represents the size of the voice note in bytes, if any. |
$voice_note Boolean | Represents if the current note has a voice note attached. |
id String | Represents the unique ID of the note. |
Created_By JSON object | Represents the name, ID, and email ID of the user who created the note. This is a read-only field. |
Note_Title String | Represents the title of the note. |
Note_Content String | Represents the content of the note. |
{ "data": [ { "Note_Title": "Contacted", "Note_Content": "Need to do further tracking", "Parent_Id": "4150868000002748005", "se_module": "Leads" } ] } |
Key | Description |
Note_Title String | The title of the note. |
Note_Content String | The note content. |
Parent_Id String | The unique ID of the parent record. |
se_module String | The API name of the parent module. |
{ "data": [ { "Note_Title": "Contacted", "Note_Content": "Junk Lead" } ] } |
Writer is a powerful online word processor, designed for collaborative work.