{ "data": [ { "All_Day": false, "Event_Title": "Kaizen_9_Weekly", "Start_DateTime": "2020-02-02T10:00:00+05:30", "End_DateTime": "2020-02-02T11:00:00+05:30", "Participants": [ { "type": "contact", "participant": "3652397000001281003" }, { "type": "lead", "participant": "3652397000000415063" }, { "type": "user", "participant": "3652397000000186017" } ], "Recurring_Activity": { "RRULE": "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=SU;INTERVAL=2;UNTIL=2020-03-15" }, "Remind_At": "2020-02-01T09:45:00+05:30", "Who_Id": { "id": "3652397000000649013", "name": "Patricia Boyle" }, "Venue": "Chennai", "$se_module": "Accounts", "What_Id": "3652397000000624046", "$send_notification": true } ] } |
Key | Data Type | Description |
Event_Title | String | Title of the event. Accepts a maximum of 255 characters, alphanumeric, and special characters. |
Start_DateTime | DateTime | The date and time (in ISO8601 format) at which the event begins. |
End_DateTime | DateTime | The date and time (in ISO8601 format) at which the event ends. |
Recurring_Activity | JSON Object | JSON Object that contains information about the recurrence pattern of the event in the key "RRULE". |
Key | Data Type | Description |
All_day | Boolean | Represents if the event takes place all day. |
Participants | JSON Array | Contains the ID and type of each participant in individual JSON objects. Possible participant types are "lead", "contact", "user", and "email". |
Remind_At | DateTime | The date and time in the current user's time zone (in ISO8601 format) at which a reminder is sent to the participants. |
Who_Id | JSON Object | The name and ID of the contact that the event is related to; that contact may or may not be a participant of the event. |
What_Id | JSON Object | The name and ID of the Account, Deal, Product, Quote, Invoice, Campaign, Vendor, Case, Purchase Order, or Sales Order that the event is created for. |
$se_module | String | The API name of the parent module given in the key "What_Id". This key is mandatory when you include the "What_Id". |
Venue | String | The place where the event takes place. Accepts a maximum of 255 characters, alphanumeric, and special characters. |
$send_notification | Boolean | Represents if you want to send invitations to the participants of the event. The value true sends out invitations, and false does not. |
"Participants": [ { "type": "contact", "participant": "3652397000001281003" }, { "type": "lead", "participant": "3652397000000415063" }, { "type": "user", "participant": "3652397000000186017" |
Key | Possible Values | Description |
FREQ | DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY | Frequency; represents how often the event repeats. |
INTERVAL | 1–99 | The gap between each event. For example, for a weekly recurring event, if the INTERVAL value is 2, the gap between the first and the next event will be two weeks. |
COUNT | 1–99 | The number of events you want to create. For example, if the COUNT value is 3, three events will be created. |
Key | Possible Values | Description |
BYMONTHDAY | 1–31 | The day of the month the event repeats on. Applicable only for monthly and yearly events. |
BYDAY | SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA | The day of the week the event repeats on. Applicable for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly events. |
BYSETPOS | 1, 2, 3, 4, -1 | The week of the month the event repeats in. Applicable only for monthly and yearly events. 1 - Event repeats every first week of the month 2 - Event repeats every second week of the month 3 - Event repeats every third week of the month 4 - Event repeats every fourth week of the month -1 - Event repeats every last week of the month. |
UNTIL | Date in yyyy-MM-dd format | The date until which the event must repeat. |
{ "data": [ { "All_Day": false, "Event_Title": "Kaizen_10_Weekly", "Start_DateTime": "2020-02-02T11:00:00+05:30", "End_DateTime": "2020-02-02T12:00:00+05:30", "Participants": [ { "type": "contact", "participant": "3652397000001281003", "id": "3652397000001326102" }, { "type": "lead", "participant": "3652397000000415063", "id": "3652397000001326100" }, { "type": "user", "participant": "3652397000000186017", "id": "3652397000001326098" }, { "type": "email", "participant": "john-butt@gmail.com" } ], "Remind_At": "2020-02-01T10:45:00+05:30", "$send_notification": true } ] } |
{ "data": [ { "All_Day": false, "Event_Title": "Kaizen_10_Weekly", "Start_DateTime": "2020-02-02T11:00:00+05:30", "End_DateTime": "2020-02-02T12:00:00+05:30", "Participants": [ { "type": "contact", "participant": "3652397000001281003", "id": "3652397000001326102" }, { "type": "lead", "participant": "3652397000000415063", "id": "3652397000001326100" }, { "type": "user", "participant": "3652397000000186017", "id": "3652397000001326098" }, { "type": "email", "participant": "carissa-kidman@yahoo.com" } ], "Remind_At": "2020-02-01T10:45:00+05:30", "update_all_future_events": true, "$send_notification": true } ] } |
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