Linking does not work correctly

Linking does not work correctly

I use Zoho Wiki for some days now and in general I am very happy with it.

But there seems to be a bug in the linking function. When clicking on the chain in the editor and trying to add links to other of my Wiki pages often the following happens:

- Though I always choose the option that the link should open in a new window in most of the cases this does not happen. It opens in the same window. Sometimes it works after the second (or even third) attempt of setting the link. Other times it does not work at all, and only very seldom with the first attempt.

- I saw that often the window "Insert/Modify Link" does not close when clicking on "OK". In these cases I have to click on the "X" in the upper right corner. Afterwards the link always exists, but often with the problem mentioned above.

- The linking function does not handle correctly the german "Umlaute" (Ä, Ö, Ü). When I try to link to a Wiki page with an Umlaut in its title, it may happen that the Umlaut is not recognized correctly within the link.
For example when trying to link to a page named "SCHRÄG" (= "sloped") the "Ä" becomes an unreadable charakter and of course the link leads to an empty page.
This also does not happen with all words that have an Umlaut, and sometimes it helps to type manually the word in the windows "Insert/Modify Link". But not always.

- Similar problems as with the German Umlaute exist with pages which are named with Greek letters: the linking function in most of the cases (again with some exceptions) does not recognize these letters properly, with the effect that you cannot create links.

(PS: I found the option to change the URL of a page manually, e.g. removing an Umlaut or a Greek letter, but of course this is a very hard work if you have many such pages ...)

So please try to improve the quality of the linking function.

Thank you.

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