Map dependency functionality is now available in Sandbox

Map dependency functionality is now available in Sandbox

Dear All,
We're excited to announce that we've extended the map dependency feature into Sandbox. Let's get into the details!
In Zoho CRM, you can create dependencies either between two picklist fields, or between a picklist field and a multi-select picklist field, in a parent-child manner, such that the values in the child field are dependent on the values of the parent field.
For example, let's assume you're in an online services business and you have two picklist fields in your module: Edition requested and Features available. The Edition requested field might list the package options your customers can choose from (like bronze, silver, or gold), while the Features available field will list the features available for each edition. Here you can create a map dependency such that for different editions, different features options will be available for customers to choose from. Click here to learn more about mapping dependency fields in CRM.

In this update, you can do the following:

  • Create and map dependencies between different pick-list fields in your sandbox environment and deploy the changes to your production setup. 

  • Update field dependencies created in your production environment when the sandbox was created in the sandbox environment itself and then deploy your changes back to production.

For more details on using Zoho CRM's sandbox and deploying changes, click here.

Thank you!

P.S. This feature is now available for all users in all DCs.

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