Feedback for Meetings in CRM

Feedback for Meetings in CRM


We've been using the Zoho CRM calendar for 5 years now. There have been updates, but there are still some basic enhancements that need to be made to make the calendar work well for us:
  1. Remove the 50 participant max
  2. Add the ability to quick add all users
  3. List users in alphabetical order
  4. Allow individual users to decline a meeting even when they were added via a group
  5. Enable organizations to subscribe to a holiday list, like Zoho Calendar BUT this should still show as a meeting in their calendar when syncing to Outlook or other calendars, not just a calendar overlay
  6. Display company holidays on individual calendars, rather than just a warning when scheduling for easier visibility
  7. Add location to shift hours and display as a banner in the user's CRM calendar
  8. Sync recurring meetings and meetings where you're a participant to Outlook
The first 6 feedback items are all related to the fact that we have about 80 staff members that we need to add standard holidays, company holidays, and offsite development retreats/training events to their calendars.

Our company holidays and development retreats are given as one of two options to our staff so that we still have coverage in the office. Before the end of the year, we publish our calendar for the next year. Staff then decide, with their small team, who is covering what day and remove the alternate from their calendar. This means that we have to create 4 meetings for each holiday and it's alternate. Two for each day because of the 50-participant max. We can't utilize groups because they can't remove it from their calendar without deleting it. 

Since we can't subscribe to a standard US holiday calendar we have to do the same for all normal holidays, two for each day. We can't utilize Holidays in company details because it isn't visible until you try to schedule.

We also have multiple offices and like to know which office location someone is working in each day, as some staff split offices. I can create a shift for myself, but there is no office location in the shift, and this doesn't display on my calendar, only as a conflict if someone tries to schedule on it. Ideally this would be a banner at the top of the week view. We have created a Location picklist in meetings, rather than using the Zoho CRM single line text location because that is so wrought with user error/abbreviations/differences that we can't do any consistent reporting from it. Zoho should allow for this or allow us to tie that picklist to the office location in the shift.

Lastly, we have lots of staff that like to use Outlook, but it's unreliable because meetings they aren't a host of, or meetings that recur don't sync. We also haven't been able to use a Booking software effectively for this same reason. We've even tried to look at Zoho Bookings and Bookings within CRM and both don't have all the features we need, either missing an office location option/shift or other issues.

Thanks for reviewing this feedback!

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