Module and Field Permssion
I have an issue that keeps coming up in my vCRM. I imagine the same issue is in the standard CRM as well.
I have a module called CARs, that has a drop down list to select an Account. I want the users who have access to this CAR module to be able to select an account from the list....BUT I do not wan them to have access to the actual Accounts module.
However it seems that in order to allow them to select an Account I have to provide their profile with access to the Account module AND in order for them to see and choose from ANY of the accounts, I have to make the default setting for Account PUBLIC since they don't "own" any of the records.
Is there a way to get around this?
Another scenario would be EMPLOYEES. I want users to be able to select employees from a list in a couple different modules.... but not be able to go into the employees record detail or have access to the EMPLOYEE module.
Any suggestions?
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