Nested lookup for data entry
I need to implement a lookup value to include an item in a form. However, I need to use a sort of nested lookup. This involves two one-to-many relationships. I give an example below.
I have a table called Car. I want to characterize that car by its attributes or fields in a table or form as we say in zoho.
On the Car form, I need a means to choose a make, then a Model within that Make. I need to retain the information within the form that will allow me to later reference both the make and model either through some sort of key or ID.
One thought would be to execute some sort of form script on "field action" "on user input" for the Make that would populate a dropdown in order to select the Model.
It could look something like the selection list we see when choosing where to get lookup info from when adding a lookup field to a form. First we choose an application, then that populates the Form list so the user may choose a form for the lookup.
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