New in CRM: Dynamic filters for lookup fields

New in CRM: Dynamic filters for lookup fields

  • The dynamic lookup filter is currently accessible to web users only, and will gradually be opened for mobile users.
  • This feature is being rolled out in a phased manner. However, you can request early access using this form.
Dear customers,

Early last year, we gave you filter options in lookup fields. The lookup filter has been highly successful in simplifying data entry. This feature allows you to select valid records from a lookup field, making it easier to associate the accurate records.

Today, we're thrilled to share our latest additions to lookup filters: introducing dynamic filter criteria.

Picture this scenario where a sales manager is finalizing a complex deal and needs to involve a subject matter expert (SME) for extra support. Using the current lookup filter tool, they can narrow down the options to active SMEs, streamlining the process and saving time.

However, it would be more efficient if the available SMEs were listed based on their service expertise or technical handling required for the deal. This is where traditional lookup filters fall short.

Enter dynamic filters for lookup fields! 
  • Dynamic filters enhance the lookup functionality by adapting in real-time to the data you're working with. Once configured, dynamic lookup filters change the lookup results based on the field values in the current module. This means the filters compare fields in the lookup module with those in the current module.
So, using our example, you can create a dynamic lookup filter to assign SMEs or Service Experts to deals, where the lookup search will display results only when the Service Expertise matches the Service Requiremets of the deal.

  • Additionally, for lookups in a subform, users can filter records by doing field-to-field comparisons with fields in both the layout and the subform itself.
Consider another scenario where a sales team associates a vendor in the Vendor Details subform within the Deals module. Using dynamic filter functionality, vendors can be displayed based on the industry type of the customer for whom the deal is being created. This ensures that the lookup search is precisely tailored to the customer's industry type, enhancing relevance and minimizing erroneous vendor associations.

Key Highlights

  • Tailored data views: Dynamic filters offer a more targeted approach to data association, avoiding information overload.
  • Enhanced relevance: By automatically adjusting to the current record’s context, dynamic filters save time and minimize data entry errors.
  • Lookup filter is supported for the following field type: Lookup and user lookup fields.
  • The option will be available in the Enterprise and Ultimate editions of Zoho CRM.
That's all for the enhancements in this installment, folks! Let us know of your thoughts and feedback in the comments below.


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