Hello Zoho,
It seems no data or body of HTTP request is passed to REST server when request type DELETE is used for InvokeURL function.
I tried to send DELETE using cURL command and from Python, it worked without problem. The problem occurs only with Deluge's InvokeURL.
For testing purpose, I simplified my code and send the request to
httpbin.org which returns input data as reponse. See below my test code:
- // This test uses HTTPBIN site as a dummy REST server
- // See: https://httpbin.org/
- response = invokeurl
- [
- url :"https://httpbin.org/delete"
- type :DELETE
- parameters:"Hello World"
- headers:{"Content-Type":"text/plain"}
- ];
- info "response: " + response;
The reposense was as follows. As you see, null is set to "data" field i.e. no data is passed to the REST Server. Note that the siutation is same if I use "application/json" for "Content-Type" in the header.
I guess InvokeURL is wrongly implemented to ignore data/body of the request in case of DELETE. Please check and modify its behavior to pass data/body of the request even in case of DELETE.
- // An example of response. As you see, data is set to null.
- "response":{
- "args":{
- },
- "data":"",
- "files":{
- },
- "form":{
- },
- "headers":{
- "Accept-Encoding":"gzip,deflate",
- "Content-Type":"text/plain",
- "Host":"httpbin.org",
- "User-Agent":"Deluge",
- "X-Amzn-Trace-Id":"Root=1-65d2e575-514a43660313***********",
- "X-Zoho-Fromservice":"ZohoCreator"
- },
- "json":null,
- "origin":"***.***.***.**",
- "url":"https://httpbin.org/delete"
- }