By default, when an agent is mentioned in a Ticket or Comment, the agent can be notified. This setting is located in Setup > Notify > Notification Rules > Agent Notifications (section) > Mentioning in a ticket. This setting is an everyone-or-noone option. Screenshot attached 01-mentioning-in-ticket.jpg
Our Use Case:
We have some agents that are extremely active in Desk. They therefore get dozens of these notification emails every day. This just creates a messy email inbox and busy work for them when they try to check email. Other agents are less active in Desk, and work primarily out of their email. They are specialists who NEED those email notifications when they are mentioned, to make sure they work on the Ticket.
Currently there is no way to enable this notification on an agent-by-agent basis. Additionally I cannot find a way to do this with a WorkFlow. Can you provide a way to select which agents do NOT receive "Mentioning in a ticket" email notifications?
If it helps, we have a similar situation with the email notification "Assigning a ticket" and created a workaround. In that case we first disabled the default notification. See attachment 02-Assigning-a-ticket.jpg). We then created a custom WorkFlow which Executes when a ticket is created, or when the Field "Ticket Owner" is updated. See attachment 03-custom-workflow-ticket-owner. Then under Criteria, we remove Agents that don't want/need these notifications. See attachment 04-custom-workflow-criteria.jpg
However, I can't figure out a way to create a WorkFlow which Executes when a MENTION occurs. See attachment 05-workflow-on-MENTION.jpg
Can you provide a way to select which agents do NOT receive "Mentioning in a ticket" email notifications?