Phase Custom Views let you filter and display phases based on specific criteria. This helps you focus on what’s most relevant for you and your team.
Filter phases using criteria such as budget, status, and more.
Share views with specific users or teams for improved collaboration.
Save filters as custom views for easy access.
Export phase data for analysis or reporting.
For example, as a project manager, you would want to review on-hold milestones with a revenue budget exceeding $10,000 for yearly forecasting. With Phase Custom Views, these milestones can be quickly filtered, organized, and shared for better planning.
To track, create a custom view with Criteria: Status is On Hold and Revenue Budget Greater Than 10,000. Choose specific users or all users to share the view with. Set Accessibility if the view should be visible across the portal, all projects, or only specific ones.
Save the custom view and mark it as a favorite for frequent access or set it as the default to display it every time you access the Phases tab. Export the phases for sharing with stakeholders, with or without encryption.