User Story - As a user, I would like the ability to display textual data in a two-way table, matrix format (text datatypes, not numerical datatypes displayed as a dimension)
One major feature missing from the Pivot tables in Zoho Analytics is the ability to create a Pivot table with Text Values instead of numerical aggregated summary values. Other major BI tools such as Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, etc. offer the ability to generate this sort of report - a two-way table/matrix displaying text values.
In the example below, you can see such a report. Essentially the data behind this report is in "long data" format with three fields - Category (text), Date (date), and Item (text). This type of report is applicable to a wide range of use cases, one of which is demonstrated below - a "Roadmap" view.
I'm submitting this idea in hopes that this is of enough interest to other Zoho Analytics users so that the Zoho team will add the ability to create such a report.