Power of Automation :: Trigger Automatic reminders to the task owners five days before the due date.

Power of Automation :: Trigger Automatic reminders to the task owners five days before the due date.

Hello Everyone,

A Custom Function is a user-written set of code to achieve a specific requirement. Set the required conditions needed as to when to trigger using the Workflow rules (be it Tasks / Project) and associate the custom function to it.


One of our customers was tracking their Retail management using Zoho Projects and they wanted to track deadlines for vendor orders where the due dates for tasks are updated months in advance. They wanted a feature that automatically notifies the task owners five days before the due date to ensure timely order submission. This was achievable using the Schedule Functions in Zoho Projects.

Custom function code:-
projectParam = Map();
getAllProjects = invokeurl
url :projectsEndpoint + portalId + "/projects/"
type :GET
projects = getAllProjects.get("projects");
usersParam = Map();
getAllUsers = invokeurl
url :projectsEndpoint + portalId + "/users/"
type :GET
users = getAllUsers.get("users");
for each  user in users
userId = user.get("id");
taskParam = Map();
// taskParam.put("all_tasks", true);
getAllTasks = invokeurl
url :projectsEndpoint + portalId + "/mytasks/"
type :GET
if(getAllTasks != "")
tasks = getAllTasks.get("tasks");
taskRow = "";
// Get the current date
current_date = zoho.currentdate;
// Add 5 days to the current date
five_days_after = current_date.addDay(5);
for each  task in tasks
info "task date : "+task;
res = invokeurl [
url : task.get("link").get("self").get("url")
type : GET
connection : "XXXXXXX"
taskRow = taskRow + "<tr> <td>" + task.get("project").get("name") + "</td> <td>" + task.get("name") + "</td> <td>" + res.get("tasks").get(0).get("link").get("web").get("url") + "</td>  <td>" + task.get("start_date") + "</td> <td>" + task.get("end_date") + "</td> <td>" + task.get("status").get("name") + "</td> </tr>";
from :zoho.loginuserid
to :user.get("email")
subject :"Orders that are pending in  5 days"
message :"<html> <style> table, th, td { border:1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } </style> <body> <h2>Orders that are pending in  5 days</h2> <table style=\"width:100%\"> <tr> <th>Project Name</th> <th>Order Name</th> <th>Order URL</th>  <th>Start date</th><th>Due date</th>  <th>Status</th></tr> " + taskRow + " </table> </body> </html>"
InfoAll you have to do is to replace XXXXXXX with the Zoho Projects connection link name which has the scopes: ZohoProjects.users.ALL, ZohoProjects.portals.ALL, ZohoProjects.projects.ALL, ZohoProjects.tasks.ALL in the below codeCheck this link to learn how to create the connection.Please find the screenshots of the parameters to be mapped and sample schedule function for reference.

We hope you found this post useful. If you have any questions, feel free to share them in the comments below.

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