I have a react app and I have placed my app inside of a widget. The issue is, I need to change the widget URL dynamically. Here is why:
for example this is my url
https://test.app. It's the homepage. But what I need is
https://test.app/contacts/offers/123456789. I need that ID in dynamic way so when I open any offer module entry, it will open the related path with that ID. I have tried to automatically navigate to that page right after the home page loaded to achieve dynamism. I entered the widget URL as "
https://test.app" and got the ID with ZOHO.CRM.API.getRecord without any problem and I navigated to related page. But the problem is in that page I'm using ZOHO.CRM.API.updateRecord and if i reach that page by redirection/navigation updateRecord is not working. It's not giving any error but it also has no effect. But if i enter the widget URL as https://test.app/contacts/offers/123456789 updateRecord is working. So as i understand if the iframe src and the current page url is different, these methods are not usable. But why it's blocking even though the domain is same? I'm still in test.app. Is there an any workarounds to achieve what i'm trying to do?It's not fetching this file again after I navigated to another page (same domain). Therefore ZOHO.CRM.API.updateRecord stays in promise pending. But why and how can I solve this?