Dear All,
We hope you're doing well!
We're here with an exciting UI enhancement to Zoho CRM's typography. Let's dive right in!
Puvi is a homegrown font type developed by Zoho a couple of years ago. "Puvi" (புவி) is a word from an Indian language—Tamil—that means "Earth" and is synonymous with humility.
The font is styled to be legible and prominent upon the first read.
Here are some interesting facts about its design.
Puvi and Zoho CRM
Until now, we've been using Lato in Zoho CRM's UI. To be uniform across our ecosystem, we've now adopted the new font for CRM, as well.
Here's how it will look!
Along with the font update, we also have updated our background color, font size, and font color across CRM for consistency. In the following images, you can compare the old UI vs the new UI.
Home page
Record detail page
Layout editor
Workflow rules
Wizard builder
Review Process
Journey Builder
Likewise, the UI has been updated for most screens in CRM.
That's about it for the update. We have opened this UI update for all organizations in US DC. For other DCs, we will open the font face in the coming days.
Thanks and have a good one!
Kind regards,
Saranya Balasubramanian