Kaizen #102 - Q&A Continued

Kaizen #102 - Q&A Continued

Heya! Kaizen time again, folks! 

Picking up the thread from our centennial post, this week we will be answering the remaining questions posted in the feedback. 

Q: The ability to break down each value of Multi-picklist and handle it in the same way as "Multi-select lookup" in a custom report. 

A: Steps to get multi-picklist values in the report 

You can view the values selected for multi-pick list field and can filter the records using values selected in the field. 

Let us look at this with an example. 

Step 1: In the Reports module, select the Create Report button. 
Step 2: Select the primary module for which you have to create the report. For sample, let us take the Leads module. We will not include any child module to keep this sample short and crisp.  
Step 3: Click the Continue button in the top right corner of the page.  
Step 4: Navigate to the left panel of the screen and edit the column list. 

Step 5: Search your Multi-picklist field in the search bar and add it to the Column list. 
Step 6: Now choose the Filters button next to the Column and add filter.  
Step 7: Under Advanced Filters, choose the Multi-picklist field and build criteria stating that the field is not empty. 

This will fetch all the records that have a value for this Multi-picklist field.  

If you have not applied any advanced filters, it will fetch all the records with the multi-picklist field despite empty values. 

To create filters based on the values of multi-picklist, use the contains comparator.
Following is a sample criteria: 

Now, all the records with the value Option 3 in the multi-picklist field will be listed as below.  

Q: Widgets using Typescript
A: Presently widget can be developed only using our JS SDK. Refer to the below link for the latest version of SDK.  

Q: Why can't I access a record by using "ZDK.Page.getSubform" to get a sub form? The following code will access the record. 
ZDK.Page.getField('SUBFORM_API_NAME').getValue(); ZDK.Page.getForm().getValues().SUBFORM_API_ NAME; 
I am not sure of the use of getSubform 
A: Currently, using  getSubform() you can only set criteria for lookup fields. 

For example, if you want to list the available instruments in the lookup field " Instrument Name" based on the type of Instrument selected in the field "Type" only for standard layout. 

var Product = ZDK.Page.getSubform("Product_list").getField("Product_Name");
Product.setCriteria("(Product_Category:equals:"+value+")", { filterOnSearch: true });

For more details on how to use getSubform() refer to Kaizen #91: Dynamic Lookup filters using Client Script.

ZDK.Page.getField('SUBFORM_API_NAME').getValue() will not provide the subform record values. We are working on providing this support. 

Q: We need to have more options and features under the blueprint as well as we should be able to use the Approval Process within Blueprint currently we need to break the blueprint and again create a new blueprint based on the result of the approval process. 
A: Having an approval process inside a blueprint is in the works.

However, as a workaround, you can mimic the entire approval process itself in the blueprint with custom states such as "Rejected", "Approved", or ones that suit your business logic. 

For more insights into this topic, please refer to this thread started in our community.
You can also refer to a few use cases in Approval Process, here.
Q: *I would like to be able to use "Map Dependency Fields" to set fields outside the sub form as parent items and fields inside the sub form as child items.  

* I would like to be able to select "values contained in sub-form records" as a criterion item for layout rules. For example, suppose there are 10 records in field A (Single line) and sub forms "field B (Picklist), field C (Lookup)". I want to control the display of fields A and C based on the condition that field B "contains/not contains" n or more specified values.

* I want the ability to "include/exclude" records that contain a specific value in a subforms aggregate function. 
Suppose a subforms record has a picklist "AAA, BBB, CCC". If the value is "BBB", it would be helpful to have a function that does not aggregate the items to be aggregated for that record. It would be very useful to be able to treat values contained in multiple records as conditions, so I hope this will be possible. 

A: Conditional rules in aggregate fields will solve these questions and it is already under development. This feature will be available on an early-access basis, soon. We will keep you posted when it becomes available.  

We hope you found answers to all your questions!  

To improve our Kaizen series further and address any remaining challenges you may be facing, kindly let us know in the comments section. 

Your feedback will greatly help in enhancing your experience with us. So keep it coming!


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