Potential stage history analysis helps you track the stage movement of each potential. Tracking the wins and fails helps you avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and define better processes to convert more potentials into wins.
This week, let's see how to track the stage movement of each potential. You can create this over your CRM data with Potential/Opportunity stage history data. Advanced Analytics for Zoho CRM supports Potential/Opportunity stage history.
Let's see how to create Stage Analysis reports
The below query will rank the stages based on what stages each potential moves into, and when.
SELECT a."Deal Id" "POTENTIALID", a."Modified Time" "Modified Time", a."Modified By" "Modified By", a."Stage" "Stage", a."Amount" "Amount", count (b."Deal Id") "Rank" FROM "Potentials" p LEFT JOIN "Stage History" a ON p."Id" = a."Deal Id" JOIN "Stage History" b ON a."Deal Id" = b."Deal Id" AND a."Modified Time" >= b."Modified Time" GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
SELECT a."POTENTIALID" "POTENTIALID", a."Rank" "Rank", a."Stage" "From Stage", b."Stage" "To Stage", a."Amount" "Amount", a."Modified Time" "From Time", if(b."Modified Time" is null , now(), b. "Modified Time" ) as "To Time", datediff(if(b."Modified Time" is null , now(), b."Modified Time" ), a."Modified Time" ) "Duration" , u."Last Name" "Owner Name" FROM "Rank" a LEFT JOIN "Rank" b ON a."Rank" = b."Rank" - 1 AND a.POTENTIALID = b."POTENTIALID" LEFT JOIN "Users" u ON u."Id" = b."Modified By" |
SELECT a.*, adddate(a. "From Time" , b."TimeKey" ) as 'Stage Date', adddate(a. "From Time" , (b."TimeKey" + 1)) as 'Stage Date + 1' FROM "Stage Modifications" a JOIN "Auto number" b ON adddate(a."From Time" , b."TimeKey" ) < a."To Time"
You can create various reports tracking the stage movement of the Potentials based on these query tables. Here, let's see the following reports.
Stage Analysis gives you the stage movement of the Potentials and the amount in each stage. Follow the below steps to create this report.
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