Restoring records from the recycle bin programatically
I'm working on a piece of software to automate conversion of Leads into Deals based on order status from my company's website. The process is mostly complete, right now I'm just working on handling a few edge cases to ensure data integrity.
There are some cases where a previously deleted deal needs to be restored, such as when a failed order is manually corrected. Recovering a record from the recycle bin manually is trivial, but obviously I'm trying to automate the whole process. I'm looking in to how to access the recycle bin through the API, and I've only been able to retrieve a list of deleted records, which I'm unable to recover.
Is it possible to recover a record from the recycle bin using the API and what is the endpoint to do so? If it's not possible to do through the base API, would it be possible to write a deluge function that recovers a record and open that to the API?
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