I'm quite used to Deluge in Creator, however I can not get the simplest bit of code to work in the CRM. I have full admin access to the system and ensured and am running the script on the Administrator permissions which has access to everything.
I have created a Custom Module called Analysis with a couple of fields and just want to run a script every night to add the totals as they stand at that time. However I can't even insert a single record with basic information. This is my code entered as a Function :
- varInfo = {"Analysis Name":"Testing3","Avg Total Amount":"999","BANT Opportunities":"888","Analysis Owner":"Catherine Parkinson","Currency":"GBP","Exchange Rate":"1"};
- info varInfo;
- response = zoho.crm.createRecord("Analysis",varInfo);
I get a green successful message and the Info command shows me the following text :
{"Analysis Name":"Testing3","Avg Total Amount":"999","BANT
Opportunities":"888","Analysis Owner":"Catherine
Parkinson","Currency":"GBP","Exchange Rate":"1"}
So why doesn't a record called Testing3 appear anywhere either in the Analysis Module or a report run from it ? I have checked the Audit Log and it shows that I executed a function.
This is so simple to do in Creator - why can't I get this to work in CRM. I'm using the instructions from