If you have been using the Help Center without mapping your subdomain (for example, support.mycompany.com) to the default domain, this article is for you. When you sign up to use Zoho Desk, your help center's default address is a Zoho Desk subdomain, such as "desk.zoho.com/portal/<mycompany>". After careful evaluation, Zoho Desk has decided to replace your default domain URL format with a more straightforward one like "mycompany.zohodesk.com".
Why this change?
Zoho Desk plans to provide more flexibility to customers w.r.to customization like adding scripts in the help center. As we do it, we want to secure the domains from security exploits that can compromise customer data. Changing the URL format is our first step in that direction. In addition, it also cuts down the length of the domain URL, making it user-friendly.
Next step?
Existing Free and Paid users are requested to switch their default domain address to the new format before May 31, 2022, and June 30, 2022, respectively. You can do this with a click on the Help Center Rebranding page. Note that, except for the change in the URL format, there will be zero impact on the existing pages of your Help Center. Also, when anyone types in or clicks on links in the old URL, they'll be automatically redirected to the corresponding page on the new domain format.
Note: This switch is not applicable for users who have mapped their custom domain to the help center.