The Social Wall: July 2024

The Social Wall: July 2024

Hi everyone,

Let's quickly see how we started off the second half of our year at Zoho Social!

Connect and publish to your Threads profile from Zoho Social

Meta Threads has been gaining popularity because of its seamless integration with Instagram and the focus on text-based content as per user preferences. Threads leveraged the existing vast audience of Instagram and launched the platform by providing a user-friendly interface.

It's now easy for you to publish to Threads, along with multiple other networks, directly from Social. You can post real-time updates, initiate conversations, engage in various discussions, and share your thoughts easily on Threads. You can connect your Threads account to Social under Settings -> Social Channels.

After connecting the account, you can either publish or schedule a post using any of the publishing and scheduling options.

Once the post is live, you can monitor various statistics such as the number of likes, replies, reposts, quotes, views, total engagement received, and the engagement rate under the Post Stats. This will give you an idea of how your posts have been performing.

You can publish to Threads from the Zoho Social web as well as the Android mobile applications.

We'll come back next month with more updates that you've been waiting for. Thank you. 

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                                                  • The Social Wall: July 2024

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