Boost your productivity with our time-saving shortcuts, allowing you to accomplish more in less time. Let's dive in and explore some of these shortcuts together.
Expedite table creation with our simple shortcut
Ever feel like you're spending more time creating tables than actually using them? With our table creation shortcut, you can create tables in seconds. Just type "=table(row_count, column_count)" and hit enter. For example, "=table(5,3)" will instantly generate a table with five rows and three columns.
Draw attention to important comments with mentions
Do you want to make sure a specific team member reviews an important comment you left in a document? Now, you can mention other users in your comments and ensure they don't miss it! Simply type "@" followed by the person's name, and they will receive an email notification. For example, typing "@JohnSmith" will send John Smith an email notification about your mention.
Save time and comment faster with keyboard shortcuts
Do you frequently add comments to documents? If so, you'll love our new comment shortcuts! Simply press CMD+Option+M on a Mac or CTRL+Alt+M on a Windows device to quickly bring up the comment box. There's no need to use a mouse—our comment shortcuts are easy and efficient!
Give these features a try and please let us know what you think in the comments below. We count on your feedback to make Zoho Writer better!
Happy Writing!