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Let's say we have a form with a Number field. While submitting a new record we key in a value 'n' in that Number field. Now, let's see how to duplicate this record 'n' times on submission of the form.
To perform this action we will need to create a Recursive function like the one below:
Note: The number of times this loop can run is based on the number of lines in the code. Our Deluge limit is 5000 lines per execution. So the loop might end or abruptly close after reaching the limit.
Hope you got a fair idea on how to use Recursive functions to perform different actions. Keep watching this space for more such tips.
A function calling itself (also known as recursive function) cannot be called more than 75 times.
So your expression will insert only 75 records and then generate error.
I rather suggest you another approach
So this was printed up 2 years ago, does this still work? What about the objection for the 75 times the function can be called? I'm creating items in inventory, and often I need to create the item 200 times or more. Does Igor's method get around the 75 function call maximum? I don't understand the difference between the two and would appreciate a bit of direction. Sejal's method looks cleaner and I understand it better as I'm not sure Igor uses the id = insert into form rather than just inserting it to the form.
Also don't understand why it's better to count up to a max number than it is to count down. Any help?
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