You build your own website after months of hard work. Beautiful designs, creative content, elegant style—your web pages have everything ready to target your visitors. The website is out and live, and people have already started visiting your pages, thanks to the remarkable SEO and promotions.
Days pass, and your visitor count increases. Good sign! But, wait—are your visitors actually taking any action on your pages? You check reports only to find that visitors throng to your website, navigate through the pages, and leave without a mark. Have you ever considered why this happens?
It's simple—you have not given a reason for your readers to care. There's a clear distinction between attention and action. You can grab the attention of your visitors with colorful illustrations, sassy content, and clickbait calls-to-action. But, have you really influenced your visitors by doing all this? The answer is no!
What you've done is just measures to seek the attention of your visitors, but truth said, you've not taken any steps to make them take an action. So, how do you do it? It's by giving your readers a reason to engage. In a world full of enticing CTA buttons and attractive forms, make your brand real, and your reasoning, transparent. Keep your content convincing and show your visitors why you want them to care about what you do.
Here's the very-first tip for this week, telling you the very basic rule of marketing automation—how to win more web visitors.
Aishwarya Ashok,
Product Marketer | Zoho MarketingHub