Emails still remain a critical tool for businesses to communicate with customers. This is mostly because mobile is one of the preferred mediums for reading emails, at least for a quick check of the content. Also, particularly due to the COVID-19 lifestyle, most emails are opened in mobiles. So, let's make sure that the next email campaign that we send out will be mobile optimized too.
Here are a few tips that need to be taken care while you address your customers who open emails in mobile devices:
1. Subject Line - It is significant to keep in mind that not many mobile devices support lengthy subject lines. Shorter the subject line length, greater the impact. So, subject line is the first thing that people notice while opening an email in their mobile devices.Make it look clean/short and catchy.
2. The pre-header - Not many are still aware about the pre-header, which is a short summary like text that follows the subject line. You've made your subject line pretty good and the next sentence people read will be your pre-header. Make sure to make it subtle but relevant to the email content.
3. Font size - Small font would look good in a laptop or on an iPad. However, when it comes to a mobile audience, it becomes difficult to read. We keep 14px -18px as font size while preparing our email content. Also, send test versions of the email to check and make sure that your text is clear on multiple devices.
4. Spacing matters - Long paragraphs in emails will make it difficult for mobile users. So, validate your sentence structure, cut short them and add space to your emails while writing the message. This will make readers not lose their focus/interest on your email content.
5. Images and CTA - Be selective with the images that you choose. If you're using responsive email templates, go ahead and use them. If not, consider using smaller images in your message. Also, the CTA button in your emails should be large enough that the mobile recipients can click on it with their fingers.