How far have you progressed? Have you reached the target or are you falling behind? Want to mark your milestones in a chart? You can do all this easily using Thresholds .
Zoho Reports allows adding up to four thresholds in a chart. With this, you can track whether your data trends between the expected ranges.
To add a threshold to your chart, click Settings at the top right and then open the Threshold tab. You can specify a static value to mark the milestone in the chart as the threshold.
You can also draw the threshold by applying functions such as Sum, Average, Minimum and Maximum over the columns in your reference axis or over a different numeric column in the database.
In the below example sales target for each region is been set in a table and this column is set as the threshold value.
Now the threshold in the chart will show the target in this column as you filter the data for each region.
Zoho Reports also allows you to set a dynamic threshold for each data point of the chart by setting the Scope as Per Cell .
In the below chart, sales target for each year has been marked as a threshold.
Zoho Reports allows you to draw more dynamic threshold using the Aggregate formula.
Here we have calculated the bugs reopened rate with the below formula and applied this as a threshold to the chart.
countif("Bugs"."Status"='Reopen',"Bugs"."Bug ID")/countif("Bugs"."Status"='Reopen' OR "Bugs"."Is Closed"=1,"Bugs"."Bug ID")*100
Few examples of charts with thresholds