Trying to modify the Experience_Details" list via API

Trying to modify the Experience_Details" list via API

Hey there,

I've built a candidate portal for my candidates to be able to update their experience themselves on this portal app, and I've connected it to my zoho recruit, via API.

What I'm struggling to do is to remove an experience (called "Experience_Details" in the API)

I've followed the steps for the "Update Records" PUT instructions of the API documentation 
here :

I'm making this call:
To update a specific record;{record_id}

and I'm sending this body : 
  1. {
  2. "data": [{
  3.                 "id": "<zoho_record_id>",
  4.                 "Experience_Details": [<experience_list>]
  5.          }]
  6. }

<experience_list> is my list of experiences, like this instance:
  1. {
  2.         "Company": "Acme1",
  3.         "I_currently_work_here": false,
  4.         "Summary": "dec",
  5.         "Work_Duration": {
  6.             "from": "2022-07-01",
  7.             "to": "2024-07-01"
  8.         },
  9.         "id": "480513000008992002",
  10.         "Occupation_Title": "Dev"
  11.     },
  12.     {
  13.         "Company": "Bouygues construction",
  14.         "I_currently_work_here": false,
  15.         "Summary": "renovation",
  16.         "Work_Duration": {
  17.             "from": "2022-07-01",
  18.             "to": "2024-07-01"
  19.         },
  20.         "id": "480513000008979001",
  21.         "Occupation_Title": "CHAUFFAGISTE"
  22.     }

Here is the success response I get from Zoho API : 
  1. { "data": [ { "code": "SUCCESS", "details": { "Modified_Time": "2024-06-20T10:47:03+02:00", "Modified_By": { "name": "Matthieu Bouilde", "id": "480513000000216003" }, "Experience_Details": [ { "id": "480513000008979001" } ], "Created_Time": "2024-05-30T11:01:47+02:00", "id": "480513000008909087", "Created_By": { "name": "Matthieu Bouilde", "id": "480513000000216003" } }, "message": "record updated", "status": "success" } ] }
It seems to be a sucess... But when I check my candidate, there are still ALL of the old experiences...

What am I doing wrong ?

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