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{"displayLabel" : "door number", "isCustomField" : true,"toolTipType" : "placeHolder","showToHelpCenter" : true,"name" : "door number","apiName" : "cf_door_number","isEncryptedField" : true,"id" : "4000000049001","type" : "Text","maxLength" : 50,"isMandatory" : false}
{"ticketNumber" : "101","subCategory" : "Sub General","statusType" : "Open","subject" : "Hi. There is a sudden delay in the processing of the orders. Check this with highpriority","customFields" : {"secondaryEmail" : null,"ModelName" : "zPhone X"},"cf" : { "cf_secondary_email" : null,"cf_model_name" : "zPhone X"},"dueDate" : "2016-06-21T16:16:16.000Z","departmentId" : "1892000000006907","channel" : "Email","description" : "Hi. There is a sudden delay in the processing of the orders. Check this with" highest priority","id" : "1892000000042034","status" : "Open"}
I tried to find the Zoho Desk API Name without success. Can you help me with the road please.
Could you please clarify if you're referring to the fields in Zoho Desk or Zoho SalesIQ? Please drop us an email at support[at]zohodesk[dot]com, so that we can check and assist you further.
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Ajith | Zoho Desk