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Welcome to April, the season of blooming trees and blossoming flowers! As nature comes alive, so does our community. Dive into this month's digest to explore vibrant discussions and exciting announcements.
Email-related enhancements in Accounts and Deals modules in CRM:
Resolve Conflicts during Deployment in Sandbox:
Introducing Zia Notes Summary:
Multiple Kanban Views per Module:
Add Tasks to Zoho CRM Calendar:
Sales duo performance tracking:
Multi-product purchase tracking at the Account level:
Execute Function only for select deal stages:
Optimize CRM storage by automatically moving or deleting attachments:
Calling Functions linked to a Workflow:
Real-time Dropdown popup for CRM field update during deal Creation:
Best practices for handling large record sets:
Filtering recent calls by date and time:
Naming variables in Deluge scripting:
Kaizen #134 - Manipulating Rich Text Field (RTF) using Zoho CRM APIs:
Thanks for taking the time to read this month's round-up. Keep tabs on the digest every month for the latest ideas and discussions. Stay tuned and engage in the Forums to be included in the upcoming month's digest. Have a wonderful month ahead!
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