Zohomail in ZohoOne doesn't seem to support industry standards when it comes to offboarding an employee's emails.
The use case is obvious...the exiting employee's emails still need to be accessed by the manager or other team members. But in ZohoOne the only options seem to be:
1) Convert to a light mail user (cost per month) and then give everyone that needs access to the emails via IMAP (setting up can be tricky) and needs to be done for each user requiring access. There is no way I can see of telling who has access to the account either
2) Before deactivating the account you need to export the emails to workdrive then import into each person's zohomail in a new folder. Pretty time consuming as there is a throttle in Zoho preventing this. If you have a user that has 40GB mailbox it can take up to 1-2 days
Why can't I just convert the user to a light user and leverage the massive amount of workdrive storage I get under my ZohoOne license and not have to pay a license fee? NOTE: I will have a forward on the email account so this is not an active email account being used to send and receive. If it was the license fee would make more sense. This is purely for archive and ease of offboarding.
I hate to say it but Office3654 / Outlook was a lot easier to manage in this respect...
Anyone else got a better way?
P.s. the 2nd option is what Zoho recommends...