Zeptomail blocked by SpamCop
Hi - it looks like this IP is being blocked, resulting in hard bounces unfortunately :( "Reason: uncategorized-bounceMessage: 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net; Blocked - see https://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?
Zeptomail Support
My zeptomail was blocked and i was notified to contact support. I have opened five tickets and no one is responding to my queries. I went through possibilities of the block and discovered the issue was due to suspicious mails sent through one of the mailagents.
Zepto Credits are not added for more than 2 days
Hi, It is more than 2 days and Zepto credits purchased by me are still not added to the account and our functionality is broken in application. Kindly address this ASAP
Zoho Zepto mail
I've already checked the domain and setup the user agent, as well as the SMTP user name and password, and the test email is working. So, please teach me how to import an email list and send emails.
Email tracking subdomain
The Email Tracking configuration screen of the ZeptoMail asks for a subdomain. I have gone through the documentation but could not find more information about how that subdomain is used by ZeptoMail to track the emails. Can someone throw some light about
Spam Issue
mx.zoho.com servers blacklisted by UCEPROTECTL3
Hello, An MXtoolbox check for my domain showed that UCEPROTECTL3 has blacklisted all three of the zoho MX servers. I am unable to sign up for Zeptomail service for our company transactional emails until this issue is resolved. But this is out of my hands.
why do you close the ticket #105843129
why do you close the ticket #105843129 without any answer
Account not audited :( :( :(
We review each new account created in ZeptoMail to ensure that its use is compatible with our services. Your account is still in the review stage, which may take up to 2-3 business days (from the time you submit the appropriate information). If you need
Subject encoding
We have this issue since we've started using Zeptomail instead of Zoho email, in order to send email through SMTP. We use greek in subject and some characters (not the whole text) are shown as below. We had no problem while using Zoho email, with the
zepto mail issue
zepto mail smtpdataerror(-1, b'9dsn=5.1.8, stat=failure, 5.1.8 sender org blocked') @Prakash C my email is talha.asher@talhaasher.co.uk
zepto mail eroor
goof afternoon why am i getting -1, b'9dsn=5.1.8, stat=failure, 5.1.8 Sender Org Blocked I can't send out email. my email:talha.asher@talhaasher.co.uk
Sending encrypted/password protected attachments via ZeptoMail?
Hi, I'm trying to send password protected PDF files via ZeptoMail but I'm getting the following error: 552 5.7.1 virus Heuristics.Encrypted.PDF detected by Zoho Mail. Is there a way to bypass that error? Or, are there specific types of encryption allowed/disallowed
Webhook Soft Bounce and Delivered
I am currently integrating ZeptoMail with our platform and have a question about webhooks. From my understanding, if an email is processed but soft bounces, I receive a webhook request. ZeptoMail will retry sending the email until it is either delivered
Customer email on Opencart 3
When I place an order, 2 emails are sent: 1) administrator 2) to the user The administrator receives a beautiful letter, but the user receives a damaged letter (see screenshot). What could be the problem?
Zeptomail - Bounce address could not be added
Need urgent help, My domain successfully verified then when i need to setup bounce address ex: return@bounce.domain.com it's always throw error, please help me, have been struggling in 2 days. Thank you.
Connection to smtp.zeptomail.in:587 has been closed unexpectedly
We tested the file attachment email service in the our project. When I uploaded arround 20 MB image, it was successfully sent. However, when attempting to upload a 24 MB image, I encountering the error 'Connection to smtp.zeptomail.in:587 has been closed
Zeptomail - Issues with Joomla extension on Joomla 4.4.x installations
Hello, the Zeptomail Joomla extension doesn't work after upgrading to 4.4.x versions of Joomla, while I tested it working on a Joomla 4.3.x one. I read that on 4.4 they changed how the PHPmailer works in preparation of v5.0, so the extension needs to
TransMail Overview
Note: TransMail is now ZeptoMail. Click here to know more. Hey there! It's been 5 months since we launched Zoho's transactional email service — TransMail. We've had great response and onboarded many users. I'd like to now give an overview of TransMail
Sorry! We are unable to process your information. Please try again after some time. If the problem occurs again, please email to payments@zohocorp.com.
My credits have expired and i am trying to but 3 more units on zeptoMail but it was giving this error: Sorry! We are unable to process your information. Please try again after some time. If the problem occurs again, please email to payments@zohocorp.com.
Account not approved | No reply from Support | Terrible Experience
Hello, It's been a week now, and my zeptomail account is still not approved. I have submitted all required KYC documents but still have not been approved and no one replies to my emails, they simply close my ticket without replying. I am having a terrible
Automatically Add Bounced Addresses to Suppression List
A previous transactional email provider (Mailjet) automatically added hard-bounced email addresses to the suppression list. I would suggest that this would be a good feature for ZeptoMail to adopt. As an ecommerce company (a fairly typical use case),
Need support on subscription and auto top-up for Zeptomail
Hello Zoho We need to automatically deduct subscription charges for Zeptomail with our corporate Credit Card Ticket No 86290605 Please bring this this feature Thanks
How to configure webhook
I'm try to add webhook url but I get URL can not be reached why???
Sending Email to Multiple Receipient ZeptoMail
how to add multiple email address in API call. is the following example correct? "from":{ "address":"noreply@xyz.com", "name":"Sender name" }, "to":[ { "email_address":{ "address":"email1@gmail.com; email2@gmail.com" } }
PostFix: Reason:530 5.5.1 Authentication Required
I am trying to setup PostFix to be my local SMTP replay for all my services to send alerts to myself. However, I am not able to authenticate with the Zoho SMTP service to send messages. The log says the following: Sep 22 13:15:29 core postfix/qmgr[168993]:
Zeptomail API (PHP) with invoice pdf attachment
I am unable to properly make the syntax of API request via PHP to sent order invoice (PDF) in attachment. Below is my sample code API request - $file = '169242759486.pdf'; $attFile = 'https://www.example.com/secureInvoice/' . $file; $base64_attFile =
Zeptomail API with invoice attachment
I am unbale to figureout the API request (PHP) with attachment of order invoice pdf file. My code sample below - $attFile = 'https://www.udyog.one/admin/secureQCReports/Inv150920231055.pdf'; $base64_attFile = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($attFile)));
How to resume Zepto mail agent which was shutdown
Enable to resume the zepto mail agent, Can you please help me how to start.
SPAMHOUS email block
Hi, Emails from my Zoho Creator app are failing with the message below. It appears as though your servers are on a spamhaus block list. This is causing us issues launching our new project. Can you please advise ASAP? Message: 5.7.1 Service unavailable
Send Email From the ZeptoMail BY API
What is Zeptomail:- Transactional email service with reliable and fast delivery How we can Create a Connection for Zeptomail in Zoho CRM Go to the Setup Click on Connection Enter Connection Details:- Generate Consumer Key & Consumer Secret Using Zoho
zeptomail not working on production
We are using Zeptomail in our nodejs project. It works well on the development environment but when pushed to production we stop getting emails. We need this fixed Asap
Account blocked
Yesterday I got my Zeptomail account blocked due to too many hard bounces. My account is used exclusively for sending transactional emails (eg. your order has been shipped, a form has been filled, etc) and the sudden blocking impacted hundreds of websites
Please investigate - 3rd attempt
Hi, I have tried in the past to get this resolved, but your replies and help hasn't worked so far. I cannot access my Zeptomail account - I just get a blank screen and a 401. Your previous responses from helpdesk saying I don't have an account isn't correct.
Zeptomail stopped working
Hi, Zeptomail was working fine, and then suddently it stopped working. No more email are sent, we did not change any setting. When we try to send a email via Zeptomail SMTP, on our nodejs server, we get after a while: Error: Connection timeout What
Bounce email
While setting up CNAME we have to create a host name (example form.domain.com) Actually we don't have any address email like that bounce@form.domain.com Furthermore sender adresss noreply@domain.com is a virtual address, just to send the notification.
Subscription Payment Failed
Our services are using zeptoMail to send trigger emails to our clients. All of our credits are expired now. But when we're trying to buy extra credit, we got payment failed message. What's the matter? What shall I do?
Account Audit
HI, my account has been under review for 6 days, your efficiency is too low
How can I loop through an array of data in the email template?
I want to make a purchase notification template but I don't know how I could loop through an array type variable that will contain the list of products that the customer bought with their specific information (quantity, unit price, etc) to make a pretty
SMTP Set up
Hey, We're migrating over from Zoho mail to Zeptomail and I'm having difficulty setting up the account. Our previous SMTP Settings: SERVER: smtp.zoho.eu PORT: 587 EMAIL: [our email] PASSWORD: [our password] I'm changing them to the following for Zeptomail
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