Issues Fetching Emial ID in a sub form using a fuction in delgue
Hi All, I have two forms: Form A and Form B. Form B is a subform in Form A. In Form B, I have a lookup field (Action For) from another creator application. I am looking to populate a field (Email ID) in Form B based on user selection in the Lookup field.
Is possible to populate the values for many fields in openurl?
Hello Team, Hope you are well...! We need to pass the values to the particular form fields via open url as popup window is this possible to populate the values from the functionality. Thanks in Advance, Thisai Moorthy.
What is the purpose of CANCEL SUBMIT?
I have been researching the Alert command for use in a script. The documentation says the syntax is alert "type your message here!"; cancel submit; But you can only use Alerts on "Validate, on Load, on User Input" and you can't use cancel submit on "On Load or On User Input" BUT you HAVE to use cancel submit on "On Validate" or else "On Validate" will ignore it. AND when you use it with "On Validate" you don't get a pop-up box with your alert message and the option to "cancel" the submission or
Zoho Creator | Auto Number
Hi this is working but is it possible don't update the one autonumber field if it's not selected. latestDP = Client_Submit_Card[ID != 0].maximum(DP_Auto_Number); latestJSP = Client_Submit_Card[ID != 0].maximum(JSP_Auto_Number); vendorsValue = input.Vendors;
Publishing in a specific language
Is it possible to have a "?lang=XX" paramters in the URL to force a published form/page/report in a specific language? (Zoho Analytics can do this)
Add to picklist dynamically in a subform
I have a form with a subform The subform has a dropdown field wich is dinamically populated accordingly to a value inputed at a form fieldI have this code triggered on add row event: ListProd = F_Produtos [Fabrica_Produtos = input.Fabrica_Encomenda]; row.Produto_ItEncomenda:ui.add(ListProd.ID.getall()); It works great when i add a row, but if i want to update a row, the script obviously won't run and the picklist shows all the values, not only the ones needed. I guess an "on focus" event would
Prevent Entire Record
I want to prevent entire record data from being repeated in case it is repeated as it is. for example if we have form has 3 fields and one user enter a record as below: field_1 = 15 field_2 = 14 field_3 = 13 and he try to add a new record with same fields
Image size issues in Zoho creator, can we compress and resize somehow before upload or even after upload
Is there anyway we can resize the images being stored in Zoho creator.? We have a number of reports that utilise the photos and images we store and that report produces PDF reports. These pdf reports are getting to larger with the huge images being stored
[Free Webinar] Creator Tech Connect series - Product Release Updates in Zoho Creator
Hello Everyone! We welcome you all to the upcoming free webinar on the Creator Tech Connect Series. The Creator Tech Connect series is a free monthly webinar that runs for around 45 minutes. It comprises technical sessions in which we delve deep into
Prevent form submit if the record has changed while the form was open
We have a common situation that causes unexpected behaviors in our creator apps. Does Zoho have a fix for this, since it must be common for lots of folks? 1. User A edits a record which opens the record to a form 2. The record is changed elsewhere (e.g.
Address Auto-Complete - API Help
Hi There, I'm trying to create an address autocomplete using an address API, I've gotten so far from pulling from other online sources but have come across an issue I'm not sure how to tackle. I'm not a dev firstly so just trying to piece things together
How to generate a random number in a main form field through a deluge, so that every time the form is finished it is generated?
How to generate a random number in a main form field through a deluge, so that every time the form is finished it is generated?
How to Distinct the Drop Down field values in form?
Hello Team, We need to distinct the values which from lookup field in form on user input event in Zoho Creator. Thanks in Advance, Thisai Moorthy.
Correct Parameter
Hi Zoho Team, It comes to my attention that I am missing something to display a report. What I want to achieve here to be able to display results base on certain criteria Here's the result of the query to display records But here's my query parameter:
Adding rows to a subform of an existing form
In Zoho Creator I created a "Deals" form, which has a subform to an existing form of "Deal Items". I want to add deal items to an existing Deal record, using deluge. I know how to do it for a subform of a blank form (as detailed in this documentation),
I created a function to perform the action of POST, GET and PUT in order to use it outside our portal and create more dynamic forms using a cloud server. Params = “qAvhbBBJJsQysd45DdkvTR34A” Curl = “”;
A function was created in zoho creator. In the microservices “<adminuser>/admindashboard#/microservices”. A custom API was created and associate the function. In the postman I send some data, how can I visualize what
Using pages as webhooks - how to return a json response
Hello, I'm working with an external service that needs to send some data to my Zoho Creator app using a webhook. SO I created a simple page with three variables and published it. Although I'm able to get the webhook data correctly the external service
Stumped on map variable script error in Zoho Creator
Hello, The script below is simplified to the basics that include the error line for easier debuging and is used in Action Button in a report for Form "RCMfrm_Jobsheet_Tasks". Goal is to open the existing record on-click of button to update a signature
Can a rejected record be approved later in Zoho Creator?
If the approver rejects a record and return it for edit can a rejected record be approved later? and the user will be able to edit it and resend the approval request?
How to import OpenAI SDK correctly for use in a Node.js function in Zoho Creator?
I am trying to integrate OpenAI's Assistant API v2 with Zoho Creator. It looks like I need to use a Node.js function to achieve this, but it requires access to OpenAI's SDK. How can I accomplish this?
[Free Webinar] Learning Table Series - Creator for Professional Services
Hello Everyone! We welcome you all to the upcoming free webinar - Learning Table Series. The Learning Table Series is a free monthly webinar that runs for around 45 minutes. It's offered to our Community users and aims to provide a dynamic learning experience
Need Help With Inventory Application in Zoho Creator
I am creating an inventory solution which captures how much of a product was consumed and produced on a particular day. Any idea how to get the closing inventory on each day / user selected date? Thanks
Embedding Widget in a custom layout
I am currently trying to find a way to embed or display a widget in a canvas custom layout. Does anyone know of a way to embed a widget or embed a page with the widget on it in the layout? It doesn't look like i can use iframes on the custom layout or
Displaying multiple images in a Notes section
Hi, I'm hoping someone may be able to help me with an issue I've run into. I have followed the guides provided by Zoho to successfully create a deluge code which displays an image in a note section based on a selection from a dropdown field. However in
Printing records 8 to a page
I have a form for a label for a package, and the user needs to be able to print selected records as 8 (2 x 4) fixed size blocks on an A4 page. They don't have a subscription to Zoho Writer. But if I can generate a pdf document, I can email that to them
Conditionally mandatory field
Hi, i have a problem with On Add/Validate. I'm doing quite simple form (few fields hide on load, few condition for fields to show on user input - every condition on the same dropdown field) to my company contact site. But i'm trying to do one of on load hidden fields as mandatory if there were be executed condition for showing that field. Below i'm pasting my Validate code, can someone tell me what's wrong with it? I read lots of posts on this forum and i can't see differences between my code and
Multiple PDF File Uploding and Downloading as single PDF File
Hi I am having a requirement as below We ll upload multiple PDF file in mutliple records.- For Example : Each Trip will Each LR Copy Next we will Group multiple Trips as a single Records.And We need to download all that File as a single file Once selected
Email Deliverability - Caught as Phishing
email provider : Intermedia We are using Zoho Creator and Analytics to send emails on our domain's behalf and they are being flagged as External and Phishing in Intermedia and not being delivered to inboxes (quarantined). I have authenticated the domain
How to Create a Widget in a report in Zoho Creator?
Hello Team, We need to create a widget for a specific records in some report of Zoho Creator. can you please suggest a way to achieve it's. Thanks & Regards, Thisai Moorthy.
Overlapping schedule
Hello, I recently started developping an app with Zoho. I am trying to build a form that will allow another user to enter a DateTime for an appointment. Once the time is picked, i want it reserved in a schedule. My problem is: After user A picks monday 9am to 10am, i don't want user B to be able to pick times between that timeframe. I want to avoid all overlaps. Also, is it possible to change the precision of the Date-Time field? I dont need to pick "december 3rd at 9:52.54".
Can I push stateless form entries into subform (inline) in another mainform?
My client wants to log all calls that come in from their registered customers. This will very quickly chew up their record limit. I am trying to figure out the best way to do this which balances simple UI with minimal record usage. One idea is to make
Linked forms
I have two Records: Account and Installment. One Account have at least one installment and one installment have one and only one installment. The idea is: when an user creates one Account, he informs the total value of the account and the number of installments
How to hide or show options in dropdown B based on selections from dropdown A
I have created two dropdowns A and B. I want to show certain options in dropdown B based on the selection in dropdown A. Is it possible? What is the relevant coding to perform this function? Please help me Many thanks
Connect to an API that needs to whitelist my IP
Hello, I need to connect to an external API and they only allow connections from whitelisted IP addresses. How can I achieve this if my app is hosted on Zoho Creator? Is the IP the same (static) for all Zoho Creator apps?
How do I add button on a form?
I want to either have a button on link on my form which can take the ID and show respective details for that that record? For e.g. Let's say I have EmployeeInfo form and VacationRequest form. In the VacationRequest form, I have lookup called EmployeeName that displays all employees. I want to give a link or button right next to the EmployeeName look up field where the user can view the Employee details, in a popup, without leaving the VacationRequest page. Question: How do I add a button or clickable
Classes and CSS styling in Zoho Creator form fields
Hi, it would be nice if you could assign CSS styles and classes to the form elements from the field properties. And also, to be able to write CSS somewhere for the form, so that it is applicable on the form in any situation. Since I am currently using
Setting Up Deploy Mobile
Hi zCreator Team, Just want some help navigate where can I find the deploy section for me to create an SDK for Users.
File upload and send email
Hi I created a form on Zoho Creator and some fields are file uploads. I would like an email to be sent to me when the form is sent, with the form information and the file uploaded in the form attached. In Zoho Form, I've managed to do this, but I can't
Redirect USER to new url after submitting form
As it is, when a user clicks submit on the form on my website, it appears as though nothing happens because the form is so long, you cannot see the "date submitted successfully" message that pops up. Nonetheless, all the input is still there and nothing else happens. What I would like to accomplish is for the form data to do what it's designed to do (send confirmation emails and send data to zoho for storage), but the user be redirected in the same window to a new url on my website, such as, ".../ThankYou.aspx."
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