Offline for Maintenance Option
Making changes to a live application can cause problems. I'm suggesting a new application settings option to temporary disable all access to an app so the admin or developer can make changes without any user interference. Additionally, while the app is offline, there should be some ability to present the users with a customized notification page (perhaps a view within the app itself). For example, "This application is undergoing maintenance and will be back online Sunday at 5 PM. Please email
Sign-up for Free Page
When a new user is directed to "sign-up for free", the sign-up experience for the user should not also be used to advertise zoho email and the zoho newsletter. I just did a test run with a new app and this is the feedback I got: they found it confusing why they would be making a new email address and what this newsletter is all about. Otherwise the sign-up experience within the application context is good. Cheers, John Whitney
Add new records inline in GridView
One of my clients wants to request the functionality in the below screenshot. Use Case My runs a softball fan site ( He wants to crowd-source the data entry so the fans can put in the schedules for leagues rather than him having to do it himself. Ideally, the fans would be able to bulk add several matches at the same time. Grid View seemed like the best way to achieve this but unfortunately you cannot add rows 'inline' in Grid View. It would be great if Zoho would consider this
Enhancement Request: Conditional field labels.
I propose an enhancement which would allow developers to conditionally set field labels on forms. Example: if (input.Country=="United States") { displayname = "What state do you live in?" } else { //Canada displayname = "What province do you live in?" }Thanks, Jeff
Multiple Select List select/remove all
Hi, I have a Multiple Select List with the option to Search and Auto-Complete. Can you please enable options that allow a user to select all or remove all from the list? There are instances where a user may wish to select all the values from the list but at the moment has to click them all individually.
Audit Trail / Change Log
Admins need to be able to create a report on a table/form that lists all changes by date, user, and value. There are some ways of kludging this into an application, but this should be a native function supported by the Creator back-end.
Multi-view Export to Excel
It would be handy to have an option to export multiple views to a single Excel file with tabs for each view. Currently multiple Excel files must be manually merged to get this. Cheers, John Whitney
Mobile Sign-in frame clipped
Some mobile browsers (Dolphin is my favorite) give a very good approximation of the desktop experience with Zoho Creator (if they are set to Desktop mode). I have noticed, though, that the Sign In frame is usually clipped (see picture below). The Sign In still works, but one has to know that it is the submit button, AND one's finger has to be nimble in order to "click" the little bit of submit button showing. Might this be something that Zoho could fix by moving the check boxes to the left and putting
Form Validation Mirroring
I often have to copy and paste validation code for a form's "on add" to the "on edit" section. Maybe place a checkbox in the "on add" validation section to mirror code to the "on edit" validation page. Cheers, John Whitney
Enabling Rich Text Editor for your applications
Hi all, You can now use 'Rich Text Editor' field in your applications. This feature is not yet open to all. If you would like to avail access to the feature, click on the following link and submit the form to request for enabling the feature for your account. Regards, Mukesh
Stock Inventory Integration with Paypal Online Sales
I am a very new user of Zoho. I searched the forums / market Place and did not find reference to my needs. We will be selling fishing lures on line of varying size / color / uses. We'd like to somehow integrate a stock inventory management app with paypal to reflect how many items have been sold, and how many remain in stock of each variety. We'd also like to reflect "Out of Stock" on individual lures in the customer view when there are no more of a selected item in stock. Perhaps I missed the
Query User's Group
If a user signs-in, then there should be a way to query the user's group affiliation. We can query a user's email, sign-in name, and even IP address, but not group. This would be a nice way to display messages on html pages for certain groups in the share module, or display view data based on groups. if (zohologinusergroup == "Building_23") { // display a message } Cheers, John Whitney
Typo in the press release notification
Dear zCreator Team, There seems to be a tiny typo in the zCreator press release notification. The word 'co-operation' has been inadvertently mis-spelt. I have enclosed the PR notification along with this note for your kind reference. ---- Deepak Vasudevan
User built in functions
It would be nice if there were build in user functions that could Let you know which groups a user belongs to What the user email is if passed a user login (not just current user) Get a list of all users Get a list of all groups Get all the groups a user is assigned to when passed in the user login Get all the users assigned to a group when passed a group name Please add user functions to Zoho. Is it part of the roadmap for future Zoho releases?
Task Assignment Emails Include Hyperlink
Is there any way to include the hyperlink to the task page in the notification email the assigned person receives?
Mount zoho doucments as virtual file in the local native filesystem and access using ms office or openoffice
Hi, I prefer Zoho because, Zoho has really nice formatting features, a lot more than google docs. Thanks for such a wonderful product. I was wondering if the developers were interested in allowing users to use MS Office to edit files when they like and use the online editor otherwise. Right now what any body would do is download the file, then edit it, and then upload it again, only to find that some other user already edited the file in the mean time. What I think would be cooler and more useful is,
Make radio button default
Hi I have a section where when joining the customer must select if they are male or female. as its a male orientated site, i want the male default radiobutton to be selected as default, but i dont know how to do this... thanks hareesh
Built-in Function to get Private URL Link
Related to this post: ZC provides a few built-in functions to get aspects of application urls. It would be vary helpful to also have one to get the url key to share a private view or form rather than having to go to live mode and copy an permalink. One clear advantage for this would be application portability. Cheers, John Whitney ZOHO Creator Developer
Email from Another
I need email confirmations to appear to come from someone else rather than me. I thought I might be able to accomplish this by adding a secondary email address to my account, but I don't think I can choose this email in the from spot. When I manually enter the email address in the from spot, the form complains upon clicking save that the mail must have zoho.adminuserid in either the from or to spot. I understand that this behavior is desirable from a anti-spam position, but is there some way to
Last Modified Date and Version# for HTML Views
Rather than typing it manually, it would be neat to have built-in variables for HTML views that display the last modified date and version number. Cheers, John Whitney ZOHO Creator Developer
Currency in HTML Views
I'd like to propose that if a variable derived from a currency value is used in an html view, the comma for the thousands place be added. Or, there should be a built-in function to format the displayed value with the $ and comma. Cheers, John Whitney ZOHO Creator Developer
Do public registrants count as 'Users' on the account
Hi, this may seem dumb to ask but, whilst at max our organisation will require 5 users to administer the apps and databse, we wish members of the public to be able to register, log in, add and edit their information on our database via a web form. Will those people count as users on our user count, or simply as public data access through our web form? We are hoping for thousands of registrations but if they count as 'Users' it would be financially unviable.
Change or Allow Customization of HTML header Information
This may appear overly critical, but I'd like to know if the header info can be changed or enabled for customization. Example, in my app when viewing a page, the browser tab shows this because the html for the page has this Additionally, I'm using a web-service to post to Facebook as a linked post. Here's how it looks: Request: I'd like the "Zoho Creator" text removed from the header on all pages, or changed to the application name, or enabled for customization per application. Cheers, John Whitney
Is it possible to collapse / expand custom functions (Namespaces) by default?
Hi, We have over 10 -15 namespaces, and each has 5-10 functions. So, when we open the function tab, we have to collapse each one of them before reaching the function that is at the bottom of the list. Just wondering if it is possible to set a default status collapse / expand these namespaces? or, even a collapse all / expand all option would do Any thoughts? -Deepa Govind
Zoho Creator and Zoho Writer
I would like the ability to connect fields from a single record in ZC into a ZWriter document, with those fields arranged and formatted in a ZWriter Doc. This would work similar to the dynamic fields available in ZSites (that are connected to your ZC databases). There could be a custom action button on a certain view that called the integration API connected to a ZWriter template where those fields exist. Anybody know how to do something like this? Maybe I'm missing an obvious way of doing it?
form grid view rich text
You should be able to limit the height of a rich text field in a grid view, or at least make it look similar to a multi-line format. If there is a lot of text, the height of each submission gets a little ridiculous.
Minor Changes/improvements to Zoho Creator
A couple suggestions for Zoho Creator When Adding or Editing a record from a view show the Form name on top instead of Add Record or Edit Record. When sorting a view by a URL field sort by the link name instead of the URL
Provide EDIT option for CRM integrated tasks in Deluge script builder
Hi, As of now, all CRM related tasks in ZC apps are performed by manually typing the code eg: <CRM Response> = zoho.crm.create(<CRM Module Name>, <Field values as map value>) <variable>= zoho.crm.searchRecords("<moduleName >", "<criteria>", fromIndex, toIndex); These are working just fine.. However, we dont see a EDIT option, for these lines of code in scripting mode. Not all are code-savy. Having this in script mode will make things easier for not-so-code-friendly-people as well What does the rest
Exporting of reports in spreadsheet format
Currently, reports cannot export in spreadsheet format, only PDF. This is not helpful. I can create a regular View with groupings, then export that to spreadsheet format, however, that doesn't give me the aggregated grouping I desire and get with Reports.
Zoho Reports Style Data Import Process
Hi, The Zoho Reports method of importing data is so much better than that of Creator. I would like to propose that you try and incorporate this into a future release. Thanks Shaheed
Dynamically Rename Forms of Views via a New URL Variable
In making extensive use of functional urls, I have identified a need to have some control over the label name of a view. In my case, I have a form for users to select filter constraints and then feed that to a view via a functional url to display filtered results. But, the name of the view is always the same. It would be nice to add a new variable to the url string, i.e. zc_ViewName, so that the view loads with a custom name. This would not change the actual name (in code or label) of the view. Similarly,
Zoho Creator Page Load Speed
I have noticed that at about 12:30 PM (EST) to about 3:30 PM (EST) that the page download / upload speed has been drastically reduced. I am wondering if this is when you are doing your updates which would be 10:00 PM (IST) to 1:00 AM (IST). I performed a speed test for my browser and the results are: Ping : 15 ms Download: 23.45 Mbps Upload: 23.77 Mbps From the results stated above you can conclude that it is not my browser and in fact it is Zoho Creator that is having the issue. My company cannot
Suggestion: Built-in Function for URL Shortening
After reading Gaev's post I thought of a simple solution to this problem that also would benefit other applications: Have a built-in function that performs url shortening. " There are several reasons to use URL shortening. The free hosting space provided by access Internet Service Providers for its customers may generate an aesthetically unpleasing address. Some web developers on mainstream sites
Programmatic access to user groups
Are there plans to allow programmatic access to user groups? Use-case: A form allows a user to select a site location as his primary place of work. The on-submit code places this user in a specific group (in the share module). This is similar to how Sharepoint groups work. Group membership determines what a user can view/edit/access. I suppose this makes most sense of domain-enabled Creator accounts. John M. Whitney
Add Comment in View Criteria
Is a future update can we have the ability to add comments to the View Criteria?
Add a Record by Email: File Upload
The ability to add html data (rich text) by email is terrific (see It seems logical to extend this functionality by also accepting an attached file. There are a number of situations where this could be valuable. For example, accepting PDF contracts, job applications as Word documents, and system logs as text files. In email, attached files are MIME blocks that are encoded with Base 64. Listed below are some typical ones A Picture
Why not provide "break" keyword in Deluge scripting?
Hi there, Why not provide "break" keyword in Deluge scripting? In many cases, I've to imitate "break through out loop" function like this: for each r in form { processed = false; if ( !processed && conditon ) { processed = true; process(); } } If Deluge scripting provides "break" keyword, I can just implement it concisely as following, just like other high level languages, such as Java for each r in form { if ( conditon ) { process(); break; } }
Add a "Run Now" option to the scheduler.
Since the only way to write a custom script to be performed on the database and process it on demand is by creating a custom schedule. A "Run Now" option would be a simple and nice feature instead of entering a time in half hour increments. This way once the save button is pressed the script would run immediately. This would be helpful when there are thousands of records that need bulk edits made instead of using the bulk edit feature and only being able to update 200 records at a time.
Views Enhancements
1. Change the email field to a Icon instead of the entire email address 2. Relocation option for the Custom Action Columns 3. Make Lookup field a link to view the respected form 4. Change the file attachment field to an Icon instead of the entire file name 5. Add an option that the view link will always show all fields. (or add a column in "Column Properties" to show or hide the field in View)
Ideas for user handling
There has been a lot of discussion of the way users are handled in zoho and I think many developers are frustrated with it. Here is my two cents: 1. If I create an app for a client, I would like all of the interface to be through my URL. I think it looks a bit unprofessional when a user goes to my site, and is redirected to to sign in and use the app. If they are a bit curious, they will go to the root site and be greeted with "Create your own database for free."
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