Workflow for "Expenses" module?
Hi there, over the last 2 years, Zoho Expense has seen tremendous growth and we are happy with it. But, sometimes it is frustrating to see things are being implemented halfheartedly, or so it seems. For example, There is the possibility to create workflows
A Request for quotation model is used for Purchase Inquiries to multiple vendors. The Item is Created and then selected to send it to various vendors , once the Prices are received , a comparative chart is made for the user. this will help Zoho books
Request For Quotation (RFQ) module
Hello, Do you have any plans to implement a RFQ module in to ZOHO Inventory? I would like to chose items that I require a price for, select a number of different suppliers to e-mail and have them submit there pricing online. I would then like to see a
Lookup field in User module cannot look up to custom modules!
Hi there, Expense has been great so far but it's sad to see that a simple thing such as allowing a lookup to custom modules from the Users module is not yet implemented. Hope to see this in the next release. Do you have any plan for that?
Dear Team, Thanks for providing me a chance to share my experience with Zoho. its wonderful ERP. Just noted now some features, if these are added it will be wonderful 1.There is a workflow defined in Zoho expenses, for PR which is eventually converted
Modify Report Template to Allow 1 Expense / Receipt per page
It would be great to have a way to modify the current reporting template to export an expense and corresponding receipt(s) on individual pages.
Partial reimbursment of expense reports or split expense reports
i really need to partially reimburse an expense report so if you can't allow that, can you please allow me as the admin to split the expense report or create a new report and move specific expenses to that report that i can reimburse?
Allow breakdown of per diem for meals provided
Would it be possible to break the per diem down into what you get for each meal. The reason for this is we want to offer per diem but if a meal is provided by a customer or sales we need to remove this from the per diem bucket for that day. We break down
Please Add Branch under Zoho Expense
Right now, Branch is only enabled under Zoho Books. Zoho Expense doesn't have tab for Branch. In this way, we can properly account all expenses under a specific branch.
Improve search matching of drop-downs
Hi, I've found that most of the drop-down fields that must be filled in on expense reports require knowing exactly how something is listed in the field to search for it. For example (and as a user, not an admin, I don't know if these are universal or
Integrate Google Maps and Zoho Expense Mileage
Hello, it would improve the user experience if we can integrate Google Maps to Zoho Expense Mileage tracking so that the Mileage can be recorded in the same step as getting driving instructions. At the moment, the user has to go into Zoho Expense> Mileage>Track via GPS to record mileage. Then they have to go to Zoho CRM Event>click in event location to open in Google Maps to get driving instructions. is this possible?
RFQ Module in Zoho Books
It will be helpful to all ZOHO users if ZOHO implements the RFQ module in Purchase Order Process with purchase request (Zoho Expenses).
Missing ability to add bank charges to expense reimbursements is very annoying
When I reimburse an expense report, there is no ability to add bank charges to the transaction. Every other payment or deposit transaction I have seen in Books has this ability. However, with expense, I have to create a manual journal to account for bank
Expense integration with CRM Custom Modules
For various use cases, I find it very interesting to be able to relate Expenses with custom CRM modules. Currently, the integration with CRM only allows you to integrate Contacts and Accounts. Please consider including the integration of custom modu
Show expenses without taxes in analytics reports like the project expenses report
Analytics should allow reporting of expenses without taxes when drilling in a project expense report in ZOHO Expenses. The "Show-Hide columns" tool in the customize section of the report does not contain this column. I don't know any accountant who would
Limit Expense Categories by Role
We need to have a fairly wide category of expense accounts exposed to Zoho Expenses so that a company principal or office manager can purchase a variety of things with company credit cards. However this presents a catch 22 because for employees we want to keep it simple - the only expenses they need are about 5 - hotel, airfare, meals etc. Seeing 20 different expanse categories slows them down when entering expenses and adds unnecessary confusion. Please consider the ability to define which expense
Add Purchase Requests to the User Activity
We check the activity logs of our users from time to time through the Analytics. But only Expense Activities are tracked, so please add activities through Expense Reports, too.
Improve Currency overview in Android App
We're trying to use Zoho Expense for our charity On ouf our challenges is that our local employees in each country - eg Tanzania - work in their own currency. Collecting the data works, but the Android App doesn't show the local-currency
Direct Integration with Major Hotel Chains and Airlines for Auto Receipt Import
Hi Team, We love the Zoho Expense app - functions well, VERY simple to manage from an admin perspective, and the ability to have our team easily assign transactions to OUR chart of accounts is fantastic. We moved over from Concur and would never move
Import Other Current Liability Account
My organization has several Other Current Liability accounts in Quickbooks Desktop that we need to export expenses to, but we can't since they aren't Expense accounts. I'm either going to have to manually add affected reports to QBD or temporarily change
Hide/Show Claim Reimbursement Field
Hi, I need the ability to show/hide the Claim Reimbursement field in the Expense module. This way I can set the default setting for 'claim reimbursement' and hide the file when a user is recording an expense. I've seen the new option for Page Layout and
Card Transactions - Filter by a search term
The current filter allows you to filter card transactions by date. It would be amazing to be able to filter them by a search term. We have multiple transactions from a single payee, and rather than use browser search a filter with search term would be
Bulk Update to Card Transactions - i.e Category / Tax etc.
We have card multiple transactions - such as software subscriptions that repeat monthly, some have multiple charges in the same month. They have the same tax category, same category, and most are the same amount. It would be great to be able to 'bulk
Zoho Expense: Option to add more than one delegate
It would be very helpful to have more than one delegate in Zoho Expense. In our company the accounts team has part time employees who share the role and so we need to have more one delegate assigned. Zoho Ticket Reference ## 30375323 ## advised this is not possible at the moment.
Invalid Reference Id : Names element id 2315 not found
Invalid Reference Id : Names element id 2315 not found 05 Feb 2021 12:37 PM Reply Comment JO joanna.kolton just now Can we PLEASE get more information other than this error message? Invalid Reference Id : Names element id 2315 not found It would be more
Idea: Report Submission Date?
For the life of me, I cannot find the actual date the report was submitted for approval. Sure, it's in the history - but when approving reports, it would be helpful to have the actual submission date there. We ask our guys to submit prior week expenses
Idea: Easier Skip from Report to Report
I'm approving 60 reports on a monthly basis. Once you're in a report and approve it, it looks like you have to exit the report and open the next one. This is quite time consuming. Would it be possible to have forward and backward buttons inside a report
Expense 2.0 Trip, Budget to be in each item and summed up
Hi there. I have been testing the Trip function and the link to advance is good. However, the 'Budget' field in Trip forces the user to sum the budget amount manually and this is not favorable. It is better if, let's say, flight has its own budget field,
Make Expenses easier to use for small businesses and sole traders by having auto reports as a baked in feature setting
As a sole trader I do not need to submit reports for approval. I am coming from wave apps which had a brilliant expenses app. As far as I can tell when I submit expenses I have to run a report before those expenses are added to the running tally. This
Add a tip field near the expense anount
Hi, it would be great to add this field next to your expense anount, so this could be deducted from the receipt total amount and then you can calculate tax. tip is not taxable, you have to split the expense to record properly. would save a lot of time
Zoho expense: ability to paste from clipboard into receipt area
You can currently only upload files into an Expense (specifically ones that came from/sync'd from online bank statement for Credit Card), and it would be immeasurably better if you could just paste files and or screenshots
Be able to pull a report to see expenses by employee
Hello - I currently enabled the function to add the employee to the expense that was incurred. We are a small (family owned) shop with 3 people total. Everyone has a business credit card and we'd like to see where the money is going and who is behind each transaction. I chatted with a Zoho rep and he said there is no report that can be pulled to add the emplyee name to the report. I would really like to see the employee name be added to a customized report. Thanks!
Allow Expense users to see expense descriptions or some type of guidance for when to use an expense type
There is a description field for expense categories, but users cannot see it. It would be nice if the description could be available when a user hovers over an expense category...or something along those lines. We have a couple of similar expense categories where it would be very useful if employees could see a tip of some type that tells them to use one vs the other. Thank You
Expenses Needs an Announcement Function
We need the ability to place certain announcement messages on the screen when users login. This will enable us to easily convey important messages to all users with a single announcement. The most obvious place for this announcement would be the Dashboard. When a user logs in - the announcement would be displayed at the top of the dashboard - preferably with some 'symbol' or different font colour to draw user attention to the message.
Offline Expense Posting
Hi, I like to use Zoho Expenses Mobile App (Windows Phone) when i am between meetings / in the flight. However, it refuses to accept expenses when there is no network connectivity. Anyting you can do? Srirang
A real resolution setting is a must
Hello, I understand that your priority may not be to reduce to much the storage requirement of the scanned receipts, but it would at least reduce the bandwidth to integrate a real scanner function including functions like in TinyScanner (Andriod) : crop scanned photo incl. angle correction possibility to set an absolute resolution like black/whithe or color 150 dpiRegards Christian