Webinar - Streamline your marketing campaigns with Zoho LandingPage
🎉 Hey there! We've got something awesome lined up just for you! Get ready to rock your marketing campaigns with Zoho LandingPage in our upcoming webinar. This event is tailor-made for professionals who want to take their marketing game to the next level!
No thumbnail preview of images.
There is an issue with thumbnail previews on the Landing page app. I can't see them in the library or when I'm editing a landing page.
Landing Page Too Many Redirects on Google Chrome
This has been an ongoing problem when trying to edit a landing page. The print screen below is from incognito mode on Google Chrome. I've had this issue before, and clearing cookies didn't fix it.
Added Domain but SSL is not being set properly
We added a Domain for our landing page and it pushed an SSL cert to it. The Cert is generated by LetsEncrypt, but it doesn't match our subdomain (i.e., it's just pointing to zohosites.com). How do we get the cert properly setup there?
Cloning landing pages
Hi! I have a landing page that I need to clone to create several versions. The page contains a pop up with a lead capture form. When I clone the page, the pop up is not cloned and I need to build it again. Is there a way to clone the page without having
ZohoLandingPageにて、契約しているプランのユニークユーザーを超えた場合どのようになりますか? 例)プロフェッショナルプランを契約しているが、運用しているページを訪問したユニークユーザーが3万を超えた場合、 →自動で課金されてアドオンが適用される →契約のユーザー数を超えているため、ページに訪問しても新規のユーザーにはページが表示されない こちらご回答いただけますと幸いです。
The Integrated customer reports dashboard - Accurate, real-time updates for every conversion
LandingPage , Google Ads , and Zoho CRM have come together to form a productivity bundle that streamlines your business processes and optimizes your workflows. When users integrate their landing pages with Google Ads and Zoho CRM , they can monitor their
Adding Menu
I thought I saw something that would allow me to add a menu at the top of the page and have it hold its position as you scrolled down the page. I get to where it asks me about adding to a Menu but will not allow me to save. Nothing in the support pa
Accessing LandingPages
Hi there, I'd like to start using LandingPages, but when I try to access I'm told I don't have access to it. There is no obvious link to get access. I am the SuperAdmin for our ZohoOne licence. Additionally I'm not able to find LandingPages in the main
[TYIA] Zoho LandingPage Deck
I would like to learn Zoho LandingPage systematically, does anyone have any useful websites or resources? Even the smallest information would be helpful. Thanks for your corporation in advance.
Zoho LandingPage Deck
I would like to learn Zoho LandingPage systematically, does anyone have any useful websites or resources? Even the smallest information would be helpful. Thanks for your corporation in advance.
What apps am I allowed to use
I once opened a free account and lately paid for mail only. When I open the Zoho site, the menu has a Show your apps entry and when I click on it, it shows a lot of apps. I can open them too. My question is: am I allowed to use all these apps, and when