Bad change: Zoho Notebook Android app requiring Google Play Store login
I have been a Zoho user for a decade or so, and a One subscriber for several years. There are always areas for improvement, but on the whole, I've been quite happy with it. A big part of my choice to go wtih Zoho is that I value data privacy, and try
Determine which Notebook a Card is in?
How can I find out which Notebook a Card is in? I.e. I search on "septic" and find that there is a Card named "Septic Status" but I need to know which Notebook it is in because I want to move it to a particular one.
Import for Apple Notes
Hi, thanks to GDPR we can now retrieve a full download of Apple Notes via It would be great if we could migrate to Zoho this way, especially because attachments in the notes could be safely included in the import. Thanks and
Scroll to Bottom
When scrolling a long list of notes within a Notebook, a "Scroll to Top" link appears. It would be very helpful to me if a "Scroll to Bottom" link was also provided. The same links would also be much appreciated if shown when scrolling within a long
All time fullscreen start -_-
in new version ''Notebook'' progam start at full screen,it make my eyes bleeding when i use it. Becouse it start at full white bright screen ,even at night or dark mode. Can you fix this? make option to not start at fullscrn, or make program remember
Notebook for watch no longer in Play store.
I had to reinstall Notebook on my Galaxy Watch 7. Alas: the app is no longer available in the Play store. What now?
"Fail to update" error in Zoho Notebook
I am getting a "fail to update" error repeatedly in Notebook when I try to update one of my existing notes with a screenshot. Are there limitations on how large a note can be or what can be included in a file?
Feature Request: Search in the PC client. Some thoughts about the search.
Hi all. I'm really excited to start using Zoho Notebook, but I'm missing some of the search capabilities on my desktop. There are also some thoughts on improving search in general. Search is very important to me, without it it is difficult for me to use
Bulk change color of selected notes
When I select several notes, I want to change their color, but there is no such function. I miss it.
Notebook does not remember the window size and position
Hello am using MS store version 3.3.0 It's not a big issue just a bit of annoying. App starts all the time on max size, after resizing, closing and reopening back to same state as the beginning. any way to fix it please?
Annotate PDFs is Shown as New, but Where is it?
In September 2017, "Annotate your PDF files" is shown under "Enhancements and bug Fixes". But no link. Where can I learn how to use the feature?
Noteboards on Mobile (Android)
Are there plans to add the ability to see Noteboards on the mobile app? I am on Android. Thank you
All notes disappeared
I've been using the notebook app for over five years on my phone without being logged into an account. A few days ago I opened the app and all my notes had disappeared. Since then I tried restarting my phone, updating the app and logging into my account,
move notebooks to another notebook?
Do I have the ability to add one or more existing notebooks to another notebook? For example, I have an existing notebook named Dog, with several articles in it, and I would like to move it to another notebook called animals?
Undo Command in Notebook
It would be handy to have an Undo in the row of icons at the bottom of the notes.
Images uploaded onto text notes through the mobile app won't render
When uploading am image onto a text note, exiting the note and going back in, the image is gone and shows an error icon in its place, and also won't display directly on other devices, including on the desktop version. Uploading the same image on the same
I there any way to use a digital pen with a digital desk like Wacom to take notes in Zoho Notebook?
Hey, guys. I wonder if there's any way to handwrite something and it pull down on Zoho's notebook as a readible image or something like that. Imagine the situation: I don't want to write with a keyboard, but with the digital desk, and I want to the text
How do you create multiple notes? - I keep writing over same note???
APPLICATION : ZOHO NOTEBOOK (Jan2025) How do you create multiple notes? - I keep writing over same note???
How to preview a locked note? Or just lock one?
Once a note is locked there is no preview, just a blur (good). But, if there are a lot of notes, wouldn't it be good to have the title show up and blur the rest? Or am I just being dumb - do they all unlock and lock at the same time?
Lost all my notes, help :(
The thumbnails correctly preview the text, the file info correctly shows the amount of characters, but all of my notes just get stuck at this screen when I open them. :( ... I have so many projects in here, I don't know what to do, is there any way to
How can I understand in the search results which collection a note is in and how to immediately go to this collection?
How can I understand in the search results which collection a note is in and how to immediately go to this collection? You can call the note properties window, but only the notepad is listed there. This is very inconvenient, especially when there are
Can't retrieve url after link in note is converted
When in a text note if you paste a url after a few seconds Notebook will turn the link into a box with the title of the page that is a button to the website. You can click there dots to delete the new button but there seems to be no way to simply undo
Font used in quote blocks are not consistent between devices
Hello. I noticed that as of recent, the font used in quote blocks is not the same on every device. The screenshot posted shows how it looks like on both the mobile and browser versions respectively. Personally I like the browser one more.
Scanning Documents not working
I just recently started using Zoho Notebook on an Android and tried scanning in documents for the first time today. It works fine with Evernote but is not working at all on Zoho Notebook. I go to capture, then document. I've tried it with and without
Tags When Importing
My biggest wish right now for making Zoho Notebook easier to work with would be to have the ability to add tags while importing files/clips. This includes using the web clipper, adding web pages with Share on my phone, and adding pages by using Attach.
Lost Data
I never synced it before but now since ir forced me to login... my data is lost. Can I still recover my local data?
Forgot password to my notebookd and notes
Exactly what the title says. I know it sounds dumb since it's my own fault but what can I do? I'm just wondering if we can recover our password or something. I see there's no such feature but it should have right??? This is really frustrating to me because
Notebook Password Recovery?
I'm a very happy new user of Notebook, but ... my password has fallen from my memory and I am finding no avenue to reset it. How can I reset it to recover access to my notes? Thanks so much, HOC
Tags on notes aren't syncing correctly on Android
I've created notes on the desktop version that have several tags assigned, but on both my Android devices those notes only have ONE of those tags instead of all of them, despite the actual content of the note being correctly synced, and I'm also starting
Writing on sketch cards is bugged when zoomed in
When zoomed in, it writes a noticeable distance above or to the side of where you're actually trying to write. The further you're zoomed in, the more noticeable it is. Zooming is also entirely absent on the desktop version.
"Select All" item in the context menu
In the Client on Android, there is a “Select all” item in the note’s context menu. There is no such item in the PC client. Can it be added in future versions of the client?
Questions about To Do
1. I created a To Do note on Android and there is a line sorting option in the options drop down menu. But I didn’t find such an option in the PC client. I really need this option. 2. Why is there no search in To Do on the PC client? 3. Why is there no
Import from OneNote
Is there a way to import notes from OneNote?
Is the filename of an attachment restricted to only certain languages?
Hi, I tried to create a file card in a notebook, but I encountered an issue: when the filename of an attachment is in languages other than the main ones (such as English, Japanese, or Simplified Chinese......), syncing stops or the filenames become garbled
Sorting and previewing notes
I use the method of sorting notes by edit date in both the desktop and android clients, newest notes on top. When I edit a note on Android and exit it to the notebook, it does not move to the very top. Only when I exit the notebook and enter it again,
Feature Request: Notebooks within notebooks (Tree-like structure)
Dear Zoho! I already migrated all my stuff from Google Keep, Im really fond of Zoho Notebook so far. One thing that could make the service much more powerful is multi-level notebooks (or tree like structure). For example, entering into Notebook named
Zoho Notebook window ignores taskbar
When maximized to full screen, the Zoho Notebook window ignores the presence of the taskbar and overlaps it. What could be the problem? Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon. Zoho Notebook 3.2.0
How to select multiple notes at once in the PC client?
In the PC client, you can select notes using ctr+LMB. But why can't you use shift+LMB? PC version 3.2.0
Notes created in mobile app not syncing with web notebook
I have created certain notes in a new notebook in mobile app. The new notebook is also created using mobile app and when I logged in through web I am unable to see notebook that I have created using mobile app. there is no trace of notes in which i have created in mobile app on the web even after days of creating in mobile app This is not the case vise-a-versa. the notes and note book created on web are accessible on mobile app on real time. this is very inconvenient and big demotivating factor
Can it change the language ?
Hello ! The question is in the title ;)
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