I have some tasklist templates that I want to be able to add to a project under certain circumstances. So if a project meets Condition A, add the tasklist from Template B to t...
We are an established insurance brokerage company based in Kuwait, with over 28 years of experience in the industry. As intermediaries between clients and insurance companies,...
I have several functions I've written in Zoho Projects that take one or more currency fields as input parameters (arguments). These functions have been working just fine for m...
Hi Zoho/Community, I am trying to create multiple tasks in a single API call, is there a way we can combine multiple request bodies into one single payload? The issue I am fac...
Having troubles setting a mutli select field via API. updateMap = map(); updateMap.put("UDF_MULTI1","picklist_id1,picklist_id2"); updateProjectRes = invokeurl [ url :"https://...
Hello Team I am trying to upload an Attachment in Zoho Projects Task by the API but this is not working can you please check the code that I am missing in this? Sample Code Po...
I would like to update via API a Projects' project custom field, which is an integrated_field with Zoho CRM Accounts module. I identified the custom field identifier via the G...
Hello everyone, I would appriciate it a lot if someone can help me solve this issue, the custom_date field is not working for me and I always get the following error: {'error'...
I am running into issues with the API limit for update task in Zoho Projects. In a typical Project, we have 120-130 Tasks and I would like a field change made to the Project t...
Hi When getting "My Milestones", the request parameters for project_ids and status need to be a "JSON Array". What is the correct format for this parameter? Could you please p...
Hello, I am trying to update the status for a task via the API. The response I get back is the following: { code: 6500, message: 'Status and % completion cannot be updated for...
I have a function that, until recently worked fine. The function essentially copies another project. One aspect of this copying was to take the value of a UDF that is a User P...
I have written a deluge custom function endPoint = "https://projects.zoho.com/api/v3/portal/"; tagsParam = Map(); tagsParam.put("tag_id","2342963000000148480"); tagsParam.put(...
I am getting error of invalid ticket for all token. URL https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/evincetest/projects/?authtoken=1000.152c87e89e86900a6bbc346e7c8b2de8.b44b9...
Hello Zoho, I am working on creating a template in Zoho that will be used for all of the projects we currently have and will have in the future, the issue im running into that...
I've written a script that looks like it works, except it doesn't. The Python script does the following, but I've left out token refreshes and pauses that exist in the script:...
This data storage concept enables you to store data related to your extension for both entity properties and extension properties. In our previous piece, we looked at how to s...
Data storage - Overview Storing data related to the extension you are working on is essential. It can be saved as key-value pairs for an entity or extension, known as entity a...
To whom it may concern, I did a quick search of the forum and found nothing relating to this idea, so am posting fresh. The service that our company provides means that we fol...