How to automate OAuth token generation without browser intervention?
Case 1 When you develop applications to source your own information, you won't have any proper redirection URLs. In that case, you can use Self Clients to get an authorization grant code. This one-time code can exchanged for an access token and a ...
Why am I getting INVALID_OAUTHTOKEN error on API access?
There are several reasons why you might face this error. If the token generated in one DC (e.g. accounts.zoho.com) is used in another DC (e.g. accounts.zoho.eu), the invalid_oauthtoken error will be thrown If you're using a deleted access token, ...
When will the refresh tokens expire?
No. Refresh tokens will never expire. However, there are some cases where the refresh tokens might get deleted: A client ID can have a maximum of 20 active refresh tokens. If you create the 21st token, the first token generated will be removed. When ...
Why am I facing the error "Cookie is disabled in your browser. Please enable the cookie to continue."
To avoid this error message ensure you have enabled cookies in your browser . If its already enabled, disable extensions from your browser and make the request to /oauth/v2/auth. For detailed information, please refer to our OAuth documentation
What is ClientID?
Client ID is the unique value given to your application by Zoho. It helps to identify your application when it makes a call to Zoho API's using the Oauth token which you generate using the registered client ID. For detailed information, please refer ...
How to get information about to whom a token belongs to?
Zoho doesn't share any user information in /oauth/v2/token/response. To get information about a user you need to make a GET request to the api https://profile.zoho.com/api/v1/user/self/profile with the header name Authorization and header value as ...
What is OAuth token and why should I migrate from Authtokens to it?
OAuth tokens are an industry standard protocol that are replacing old and obsolete authtokens. Unlike OAuth tokens which expire in one hour, authtokens will never expire unless you manually revoke them in your Zoho Accounts dashboard leading to many ...
How to regenerate access token automatically?
You can regenerate access tokens automatically without prompting OAuth pages. The user has to grant access for the entire session to regenerate access tokens automatically. Learn more about how to generate access tokens without user consent in our ...
Why am I getting this error "Javascript is disabled in your browser. Please enable the javascript to continue"?
If you've disabled JavaScript in your browser due to privacy reasons you will face this error message. To enable javascript for your browser: Chrome Open Chrome browser Go to Settings, then Privacy and Security. Click Site Settings, then scroll down ...
Why am I receiving invalid_client or invalid_client_secret error message?
If you're facing the above errors the following might be the reason behind it: A new line character or extra space between the parameters. For example, the following request has a new character line after "client_id": ...
I'm unable to find the refresh token in the HTTP response I received.
Follow the below steps to generate refresh tokens if you find it is missing in the HTTP response: To generate a refresh token for the first time, include access_type=offline in /oauth/v2/auth to get refresh token along with the access token as a ...
Why am I getting invalid code and invalid redirect URI error?
Invalid code Grant type Reason If the grant_type is authorization_code You will get the invalid_code error when you try to reuse or use an expired code. The code value generated using /oauth/v2/auth is valid only for two minutes and is only one time ...
What to do when error occurred during access token generation?
The endpoint /oauth/v2/token supports only POST request. Request you hit directly from the browser is a GET request. Since token generation requests contain sensitive information like client secret and refresh tokens, GET request is not allowed. ...