Errors | When this error occurs | How to resolve |
An account already exists for this mobile number. Sign in or use a different mobile number to sign up. | The mobile number you have entered is already registered with an existing Zoho account. | If you remember the credentials for the account the mobile number is associated with, use them to sign in. If you don't remember, try resetting the password or write to us at to regain access. If you still want to create a new account, try signing up with a different number. |
An account already exists for this email address. Sign in or use a different email address to sign up. | When your account is either deactivated by admin or unused for a long time. | Contact your super admin to find out why your account was deactivated. |
First Name/Last Name cannot have special characters. Only letters, numbers, underscores (_), dots (.) are allowed in User Name. User Name should not contain consecutive dots(.) or underscores(_). | Special characters are not allowed in the First Name and Last Name fields. | Follow the default criteria for the Name fields.
Password cannot be less than 8 characters. Your password is not secure. Please use a different password. Password should not contain login name or email id Password should not contain continuous characters Password should not contain sequential characters | The password you have entered does not satisfy the default password criteria. | As per our default criteria, your password must contain:
Additionally, your password cannot:
Alternatively, your organization admin can enforce a password policy for your account. In that case, your password must fulfill the criteria mentioned in your password policy. |
Password should contain at least {0} special characters. | The password you have entered does not satisfy your organization's password criteria. | Ensure that your password contains the number of special characters as mentioned in the message. |
Password cannot be more than {0} characters. | The password you have entered does not satisfy your organization's password criteria. | Create a password with the number of characters as mentioned in the message. |
Please enter a valid email address. | The email address you have entered is not a valid email address (i.e., not in the correct email address format.) | The top-level domain ( i.e., last part after the DOT) must also be valid |
The domain cannot be used to sign up. Please use a different email address. | Your organization admin has restricted anyone from signing up directly using their domain name. | You can sign up with that domain only if an invitation is sent by your administration. Contact your administrator to send you an invitation from an organization to sign up. |
Please read and accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. | You haven't agreed to the Terms of Service and Privacy policy by selecting the checkbox. | Select the checkbox to indicate that you have read and agreed to the terms presented in the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy agreement. |
Please select the country code. | The country code is left unselected when entering your mobile number. | Ensure that the correct country code is selected. |
Wrong password confirmation. | You have entered an incorrect password in the "Confirm Password" field. | Ensure you enter the correct password in both password fields. |
An error occurred. Please try again after some time. | This could be due to a server issue from our end. | Please reinitiate the sign-up and try again. If the issue persists, write to us at |
We are unable to process your request. Please contact | When one or more entities such as IP address, email address, username,
or mobile number used in the sign-up field has or have been marked as
spam by our anti-spam team. |
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