QuickBooks Advanced Analytics | Zoho Analytics On-Premise

QuickBooks Advanced Analytics

Zoho Analytics Advanced Analytics for QuickBooks Online empowers you with financial analytical capabilities over your QuickBooks Online data. With this connector you can create insightful reports & dashboards over your QuickBooks data for in-depth financial analysis. 


1. What is Zoho Analytics?

Zoho Analytics is an on-premises reporting and business intelligence application that helps you analyze your IT data and create insightful reports & dashboards for informed decision-making. It offers the following important capabilities:

  • Import data from local filesweb feedslocal and cloud databases, and cloud storage/drive.

  • Displays data in an easy-to-view excel format.

  • Build custom reports and dashboards easily, with the drag-and-drop report builder.

  • Supports powerful visualizations in the form of chartspivot tablessummary viewstabular views, and dashboards

  • Generate reports and KPIs in seconds with Zia, Zoho Analytics' intelligent analytics assistant powered by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

  • Create custom formulas using the built in formula engine that contains a wide range of mathematical, statistical and logical functions.

  • Share reports and dashboards with your colleagues easily, through a wide range of collaboration features. 

  • Export and publish reports and dashboards in various formats, and configure permissions and filters for the views.

  • Supports out-of-the-box integrations with a wide number of applications, to give you pre-built reports and dashboards on your application's data within minutes.

2. What are the highlights of this integration? 

Zoho Analytics seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks Online, allowing you to create intuitive reports and live dashboards for a high level view of your data. These reports and dashboards provide detailed insights on your QuickBooks Online data. 

The data from the following modules will be synchronized into Zoho Analytics on setting up this integration.

  • Accounts
  • Bill, Bill Item, Bill Payment
  • Budgets
  • Classes
  • Customers
  • CreditMemo, CreditMemo Item
  • Departments 
  • Employee
  • Estimates, Estimate Item
  • Expenses, Expense Item
  • Invoice, Invoice Item, Invoice Payment
  • Items
  • Purchaseorder, Purchaseorder Item
  • RefundReceipts, RefundReceipt Item
  • SalesReceipts, SalesReceipt Item
  • Tax Code, Tax Agency, Tax Rate
  • Time Activity
  • Vendor, Vendor Credit, Vendor Credit Item 


1. How do I integrate Zoho Analytics with QuickBooks Online?

2. How long should I wait for my QuickBooks company data to initially appear in Zoho Analytics?

After configuring this connector, you might have to wait sometime for the initial data fetch to happen. You will receive an email notification once the import is complete. If you access the workspace before the initial fetch, it will not display any data.

3. What should I do when the data synchronization fails?

The import/sync process of your QuickBooks company data can fail sometimes, due to a variety of reasons. Hence you may receive such mails occasionally. The Zoho Analytics team will look into it immediately and get back to you, after taking the required corrective action.

Case 1: You will receive the Setup Process Failed mail when there is a failure during the initial fetch. In this case we request you to:

  • Open the workspace in which you have setup the connector. 
  • Select Data Sources from the side panel, and if multiple connectors are configured in the workspace, select QuickBooks from the options listed.
  • In the Data Sources tab that appears, click the Retry Now link. 
  • If the issue persists please do write to onprem-support@zohoanalytics.com. We will look into it and get back to you immediately.

Case 2: You will receive the Synchronization Failed mail if there is any failure during the data synchronization process between QuickBooks and Zoho Analytics, after the initial setup & import of data. This might be a momentary failure due to any internal issues. This import schedule will get suspended if there are five successive failures. 

4. How frequently can I synchronize my data with Zoho Analytics?

You can choose to synchronize your data at the hourly intervals mentioned below.

  • 3 Hours
  • 6 Hours
  • 12 Hours

5. Can I edit the synchronization settings?

Yes, you can edit the QuickBooks connector synchronization setting if you are the administrator of the Zoho Analytics account. 

To do so,

  • Open the QuickBooks Advanced Analytics workspace.
  • Select Data Sources from the side panel, and if multiple connectors are configured in the workspace, select QuickBooks from the options listed.
  • In the Data Sources tab that opens, click the Edit Setup link.

  • Make the necessary changes and click Save.

6. How do I disconnect my QuickBooks Online connection from Zoho Analytics?

You can disconnect your QuickBooks connection from within Zoho Analytics as well as QuickBooks Online.

From Zoho Analytics

  • Open the QuickBooks Advanced Analytics workspace.
  • Select Data Sources from the side panel, and if multiple connectors are configured in the workspace, select QuickBooks from the options listed.
  • In the Data Sources tab that opens, click the Edit Setup link.
  • Click the Disconnect link.

From QuickBooks Online:

  • Log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  • Click Apps.
  • Click the Disconnect link below Zoho Analytics.

7. How do I reconnect my Zoho Analytics workspace with Quick Books Online?

  • Open the QuickBooks Advanced Analytics workspace.
  • Select Data Sources from the side panel, and if multiple connectors are configured in the workspace, select QuickBooks from the options listed.
  • In the Data Sources tab that opens, click the Edit Setup link.
  • Click Re-Authenticate and reauthorize data sharing between QuickBooks Online and Zoho Analytics.

8. Can I synchronize my QuickBooks company data instantly?

Yes, you can synchronize your QuickBooks company data instantly when needed.

To synchronize your data instantly:

  • Login to your Zoho Analytics account.
  • Open the corresponding workspace.
  • Select Data Sources from the side panel, and if multiple connectors are configured in the workspace, select QuickBooks from the options listed.
  • In the Data Sources tab that opens click Sync Now

  • QuickBooks company data will get instantly synchronized.

9. How can I view the information about data synchronization between QuickBooks and Zoho Analytics?

You can view detailed information about the data synchronization that happens between QuickBooks and Zoho Analytics by following the steps given below.

  1. Open the corresponding workspace in Zoho Analytics.
  2. In the Explorer tab, click QuickBooks/Data Sources button. The Data Sources tab opens listing the below details.
  • Last Data Sync Status: The status of the last synchronization.
  • Last Data Sync Time: The time of the last synchronization.
  • Schedule: The interval in which the import is scheduled.
  • Next Schedule Time: The time of the next schedule.
  • Time Zone: The time zone of the schedule.
  • Synchronizations Done: Number of synchronizations done in that particular day.

10. How to create my own reports with this connector?

You can easily create custom reports in the form of chartspivot tablessummary and tabular views in Zoho Analytics. Click the corresponding links to learn more about creating reports. These reports can also be organized together to form intuitive dashboards. Refer this documentation to learn more about creating dashboards.

11. Who has access to the reports I create?

By default, the reports you create are accessible only to you. However, you can share the reports with your colleagues using the 'Sharing' options available in Zoho Analytics. Refer this question to know more. 

12. Can I set up the QuickBooks connector in any other existing workspaces?

Yes. Follow the steps below to do this,

  • Open the workspace into which you would wish to import your QuickBooks data

  • Click the Import Data button in the Explorer tab or Select New > New Table/Import Data.

  • In the Create New Table tab that opens, select Import from QuickBooks.

  • In the Import from QuickBooks dialog that opens, Select the company that you wish to import.

  • Select the modules that needs to be imported into Zoho Analytics.

  • Select the necessary schedule import options in the Schedule Import Settings section and click Next.

Your QuickBooks data will be imported into your workspace. Refer to this setup presentation.

13. Can I import data from multiple QuickBooks Companies?

Yes, you can configure multiple QuickBooks setups if you have subscribed for a paid plan.

14. How can I import data from multiple QuickBooks companies?

You can configure multiple QuickBooks setups if you have subscribed for a paid plan. You can choose to import multiple organizations in the same workspace or in a different workspace.

If you wish to import the data in an individual workspace, refer to this question.  

To import data from multiple companies into the same workspace,

  • Open the workspace in which you have setup the connector
  • Click the Import Data button in the Explorer tab or Select New > New Table/Import Data.
  • In the Create New Table window that opens, select Import from QuickBooks.
  • In the Import from QuickBooks dialog that opens, Select the organization that you wish to import.
  • Select the entities and their corresponding fields.
  • Select the necessary schedule import options in the Schedule Import Settings section.
  • Click Create.

15. Can I transfer my QuickBooks connector to another admin account?

At present, we do not provide an option in the user interface. If you require this transfer, please do mail us to onprem-support@zohoanalytics.com and we will do this for you.

16. How can I remove the setup?

To remove the setup,

  • Log in to your Zoho Analytics account.
  • Open the corresponding workspace.
  • Select Data Sources from the side panel, and if multiple connectors are configured in the workspace, select QuickBooks from the options listed..
  • In the Data Sources tab that opens click the Settings icon and select Remove Data Source as shown in the snapshot. 

Reporting Features

1. What are the report types supported by Zoho Analytics?

Zoho Analytics supports a wide variety of reports, in the form of charts, pivot tables, summary views and tabular views. To know more about the various types of reports, click here. To know more about dashboards and KPI widgets, click here.

2. Can I modify the default reports that have been created by this connector? If so, how?

Yes. If you are the Server Administrator or a workspace administrator of the workspace in which the integration is set up, click the Edit Design button in a report's toolbar and make the required changes. If you are a user to whom a report is shared, save a copy of the report by clicking Save > Save As, and modify the copied version as needed.

3. How do I create reports using fields/columns across different modules?

Columns from different QuickBooks modules are joined by default. Therefore, reports can be created over this data by simply dragging and dropping the respective columns in the report builder. Click here to learn more about creating reports. 

4. What are formulas in reports?

Formulas are calculations that can be defined using the powerful formula engine in Zoho Analytics, to create required reports. Refer this documentation to know more. There are also several default formulas created based on the Zoho DataPrep modules. To view the default formulas, open the required table, click Add and select the Edit Formulas option.

5. What are the default formulas added by Zoho Analytics, on setting up this connector?

You can also add your own formulas to derive your own calculations. Do refer to Adding Formulas in Zoho Analytics help page. You can view these formulas by opening the corresponding table and selecting Add>Edit Formulas.

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Bills table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Balance In Base Currency "Balance"/"Exchange Rate" Custom Displays the grand total in base currency
AP Age datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date") Custom Displays the number of days delayed (from due date)
Days Remaining if(datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date") >0, concat( 'Past ',datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date"),' Days' ) ,datediff( "Due Date",currentdate( )) ) Custom Displays the number of days until due date.
Bill Balance Status if(datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date") >0, 'Overdue','Due') Custom Displays if the balance bill amount is in due or overdue.
Status if("Balance In Base Currency"=0,'Paid','Pending') Custom Displays the status of the bill.

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Expense table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Total Expense count("Expenses"."Expense ID") Aggregate The total expense incured

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Estimates table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Invoiced Estimates countif(isnull("Estimates"."Invoice ID"),0,"Estimate"."Estimate ID") Aggregate Estimate of the bill
Rejected Estimates countif("Estimates"."Status"='Rejected',"Estimate"."Estimate ID",0) Aggregate Estimates of invoices that were declined

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Expense Line Items table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Billable expense sumif("Expense Line Items"."Billable Status"='BILLABLE',"Expense Line Items"."Amount",0) Aggregate Resources that can be billed to clients.
Nonbillable expense sumif("Expense Line Items"."Billable Status"='NOT_BILLABLE',"Expense Line Items"."Amount",0) Aggregate Resources that cannot be billed to clients.

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Invoices table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Status if("Balance"=0,'Paid','Payable') Custom Provides the status of the invoice.
Balance In Base Currency "Balance"/"Exchange Rate" Custom Displays the balance in base currency.
AR Age In Days datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date") Custom Number of days it takes for an Invoice to be closed
AR Balance Due if(datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date") >0, 'Overdue','Due') Custom Displays the due in account receivables.
Days Remaining if(datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date") >0, concat( 'Past ',datediff( currentdate( ),"Due Date"),' Days' ) ,datediff( "Due Date",currentdate( )) ) Custom Displays the days remaining until due date. 
Age Tier if( "AR Age in Days" >= 0, if( "AR Age in Days" <= 20, '1. 0 - 30 days', if( "AR Age in Days" <= 60, '2. 31 - 60 days', if( "AR Age in Days" <= 90, '3. 61 - 90 days', if( "AR Age in Days" <= 180, '4. 91 - 180 days','5. Above 180 days')))), '6. Negative - Not Valid') Custom Classifies the time spent on a invoice to close it, into different time period baskets, e.g., within 60 months, within 120 days etc.,
Overdue AR sumif(datediff(currentdate(),"Invoices"."Due Date"),"Invoices"."Balance",0) Aggregate Displays the overdue.
AR Balance in Due sum("Invoices"."Balance")-"Invoices"."Overdue AR" Aggregate Displays the average receivable due in balance.

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Invoice Line Item table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Avg Cost avg("Invoice Line Items"."Amount") Aggregate Provides the average cost of an item.
Revenue Till Date sum("Invoice Line Items"."Amount") Aggregate Provides the amount of revenue generated till date by the item
COGS (Cost Of Goods Sold) sum(if("Invoices"."Status"='Paid',"Items"."Purchase Cost"*"Invoice Line Items"."Quantity",NULL)) Aggregate Displays the total cost of the goods sold.
Sales Value sum(if("Invoices"."Status"='Paid',"Invoice Line Items"."Amount",NULL)) Aggregate The amount of money received after sales.
Projected Profit "Invoice Line Items"."Sales Value"-"Invoice Line Items"."COGS (Cost Of Goods Sold)" Aggregate Displays theestimated profit.
Profit % ("Invoice Line Items"."Projected Profit"/"Invoice Line Items"."Sales Value")*100 Aggregate Displays profit in percentage.

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Itemstable:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Cost of Stocks in hand "Purchase Cost"*"Quantity On Hand" Custom Displays the cost of the available stocks.

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Purchase order table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Total In Base Currency "Total"/"Exchange Rate" Custom Displays the total balance in base currency.

The below table lists all the default formulas that will be created in the Vendor Credits table:

Formula Name Formula Formula Type Description
Grand Total in Base Currency "Total"/"Exchange Rate" Custom Displays the grand total in base currency.

6. Is it possible to create custom formulas in Zoho Analytics?

Yes. Refer this documentation to learn more.

7. Can I modify the tables imported from QuickBooks?

The data from QuickBooks is synchronized with Zoho Analytics automatically, and stored in the form of various tables. Therefore, it is not possible to add data or modify the existing data present in these tables.

8. Can I add new columns to the tables imported from QuickBooks?

No. However, you can add Formula Columns and Aggregate Formulas to these tables, to help create custom reports. Refer this documentation to know more.

9. Can I import new tables into the QuickBooks workspace?

To do this, open the QuickBooks workspace, click Create from the side panel and select the New Table / Import Data option. You can integrate with other applications, or choose to import data stored in local filesweb URLslocal databasescloud databases and cloud drives. Click the corresponding links to know more.

10. Can I combine data from other sources with the data from QuickBooks to create reports and dashboards?

Yes. To do this, import or add a new table to the QuickBooks workspace and define a lookup relationship between the added data and the existing data in the workspace. To define a lookup relationship between two tables, it is essential that the tables have at least one column in common between them. Follow the below steps to establish a lookup relationship.

  • Open the corresponding table, right click the column header and select the Change to Lookup Column option.

  • In the dialog that opens, select the column from the second table to look up.

  • Click OK.

Click here to learn more about lookup columns.

11. What are Query Tables?

Using query tables, Zoho Analytics allows you to import the required data by writing standard SQL queries. This feature also allows you to combine data from different tables, and create reports from the combined data. Refer this documentation to know more.

Users, Sharing & Collaboration

1. How do I share reports, dashboards, and tables in Zoho Analytics?

You can share the out-of-the-box reports, dashboards and tables, and the ones you create, with other users easily. Refer this documentation to know more.

2. Why are my colleagues unable to access the reports I create?

The QuickBooks workspace can be accessed only by the administrator who set up the integration. To allow other users to access the out-of-the-box reports and dashboards, you can share the reports and dashboards as needed. Refer this documentation to know more. You can also share the entire workspace with a user. Refer this documentation to know more. 

3. Can other users create reports using the tables in the Zoho DataPrep workspace?

Yes. To do this, share the required table with the users with the required permissions and filters. 

4. Is it possible to share the same report to multiple users such that they each see different data? 

Yes, you can do this by creating Variables. This allows you to share the report to several users, with associated filter criteria so that each user can access only the data specific to them. To learn more, refer this documentation.

5. Can I export a report or a dashboard?

Yes, you can export the report or dashboard in various formats such as CSV, EXCEL, PDF, HTML and image. To learn more, efer this documentation

6. How do I print the reports and dashboards created in Zoho Analytics?

To do this, export the report or dashboard in the required format and print the exported file. To learn more about exporting a view in Zoho Analytics, refer this documentation

Note: To export a shared report or dashboard, the Export permission has to be enabled. 

7. Can I email reports and dashboards at scheduled times?

Yes, you can easily set up email schedules. Refer this documentation to learn more.

8. Can I embed reports? 

Yes. You can easily embed reports and dashboards into websites, applications or blogs. Refer this documentation to know more.

Help & Support

1. How do I get technical support on Zoho Analytics?

Technical support is free for all users, even during the trial period. You can contact technical support through:

2. Can I get a personalized demo of this integration?

Yes, please register for a demo using the form on this page.

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