Note: This KB is specific for the sync issue with the below log traces.
Log traces:
ERROROCCURED,'NOSESSIONID',13,'CLOUDDB_IMP_SCHEDULE_DETAILS',400,1575381481000,-1,'SCHEDULE_MORE_THAN_ALLOWED_COUNT',108,'','','','Sorry_ upload process failed for the table. Only 5 simultaneous uploads are allowed on the same table. Kindly try after sometime.','-NA-','-','','','-Not Provided-','-Error Code not 500-','NONE'
com.adventnet.zoho.db.common.ZDBException: SCHEDULE_MORE_THAN_ALLOWED_COUNT
at com.adventnet.zoho.db.batchimport.DataUploadHandler.<init>(
at com.adventnet.zoho.db.batchimport.DataUploadHandler.<init>(
at com.adventnet.zoho.db.clouddb.ZRCloudDBAPI$WriteData$2.executeCode(
The zdbimportsyncstatus table contains the sync details of tables. The entries in the table did not clear and accumulated to the limit of 5.
The entries in 'zdbimportsyncstatus' will be deleted once the sync is completed or the sync time exceeds the threshold time. Any occurrence of connection interruption or abrupt shutdown during the import, this can happen.
Viewid is the objid of the table.
1. Connect to the database
2. Execute the below commands,
To clear the entries from zdbimportsyncstatus table
Delete from zdbimportsyncstatus where syncstatus in (0,1) and viewid=<objid of the table>
To update the sync status from in-progress and inqueue to failed
update ZRCloudDBSyncDetails set SYNCSTATUS='2' where SYNCSTATUS in (0,1) and objid=<objid of the table>
INQUEUE state = 0 (Sync started for the table, but is in queue)
INPROGRESS state = 1 (Sync is in progress)
3. Initiate the sync.