Import third party SSL Certificate in Zoho Analytics
In order to implement SSL, a web server must have an associated certificate for each external interface (IP address) that accepts secure connections.
Procedure for creating a csr - Using Subject Alternative Names:
Following commands are to be executed from the command prompt in the directory <Analytics home>\jre\bin>
1. Creation of keystore file
keytool -genkey -alias <your alias> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keystore server.keystore
(for Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificates use: keytool -genkey -alias <your alias> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keystore server.keystore -ext san=dns:<your alias>)
If you use your own password then, you need to update the password in the following file <Analytics home>/conf/server.xml
Example of command execution, generating keystore file:
CN =mydomain (eg:
Enter your exact host and domain name that you wish to secure. Say, If you wish to secure, then you will need to enter the exact host (www)and domain name ( in this field}.
If you enter then the certificate issued to you will only work error free on
OU(Organization Unit)=MSP, O(Organization) = My organization, L(Location) = Los Angles, S(State) = CA, C(Country) = US.
Again it will ask for a password give the same password you gave previously <keystore password>
2. Creation of CSR file
keytool -certreq -alias <your alias> -sigalg SHA256withRSA -file server.csr -keystore server.keystore
(for Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificates: keytool -certreq -alias <your alias> -sigalg SHA256withRSA -file server.csr -keystore server.keystore -ext san=dns:<your alias>)
Reference: Video available in the attachment
Note: after creating the .csr file, use it to generate the SSL cert