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When the integration is done, Servicedesk Plus will communicate with Analytics Plus and if does not have valid certificate, error occurs. You can confirm it by trying to upload sample csv data using <ServiceDesk home>\zreports\uploadtool\bin\CSVUploadGUI.bat, and if it prompts same error then its an issue with certificate.Before proceeding with the steps below ensure the IAM_SERVER_URL entry matches the Analytics Plus server hostname in <ServiceDesk Plus Home>\zreports\uploadtool\conf\common_params.conf. [Usually it will be pointing to cloud]Troubleshooting:1. Download the attachment (certdgeneration.zip) and extract it under <Servicedesk Plus Home>2. Edit gencert.bat by replacing "D:\ZOHO\jre7\bin\java" with "<Servicedesk Plus Home>\jre\bin\java"3. Open cmd as Administrator and execute as below,gencert.bat <Analytics Plus server hostname or IP>:<Port>4. You will be prompted with below message if the certificate is already trusted.Enter certificate to add to trusted keystore or 'q' to quit: [1]5. Enter 1 and hit Enter.6. After successful execution, you will be prompted as below with servername,For Eg: Added certificate to keystore 'jssecacerts' using alias 'Dinesh-1556-1'7. File 'jssecacerts' will be created under <ServiceDesk home>8. Rename it to cacerts.9. Take a backup of the existing cacerts fie found under <ServiceDesk home>\ jre\lib\security\and replace with the renamed file.10. Restart Servicedesk Plus service.
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