Reports | Help - Zoho Bookings


Reports are used to view statistics about your bookings and revenue, which can be based upon your staff, the services offered, the service type, and the appointment status. This can help you understand various aspects of the business, such as how the business is functioning, which services are the most popular, the most sought after staff member, and more.

To generate a Report

  1. Click the Manage Business  icon and then click Reports.

  2. Click Get Started.

  3. Specify a name for the report.

  4. Select Bookings or Revenue under Report Type.

  5. Select a required choice from the choices in Select Report based on. The data generated in the report is based on this selection.

  6. Select a time period in the Date Range filter to generate a report for a specified time range.

  7. Click Apply to generate a report based on the selected values.

  8. Click Save.

A few points to note:

- Create as many reports as you wish. For example, create a report to view the booking stats for a particular staff, another report to view the revenue for a particular service, and so on.

- Filters of an existing report can be modified and saved.

- Reports can be shared with the required staff members. Duplicate and Delete options are available for every report you create.

- Only super admins, admins, and managers can create reports. Staff members will not have access to creating reports.
NoteChanges in pricing will affect the ability to generate reports for new users starting out on or after July 10, 2020, based on the subscription plan that they hold with Zoho Bookings.

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