Get all your speakers on board by inviting them to your event. Add an interesting bio for them so that attendees can find out more about the speaker's experience and skills.
Go to Manage > Speakers, from the Dock.
Click Add Speaker.
Add the details of the speaker and click Add.
Click the dropdown menu associated with the speaker and click View to view their profile information in the Speaker Profile panel.
Click Edit to edit the speaker's information, from the Speaker Profile panel.
Modify any existing speaker information or add new information if needed.
Select an option in the Country dropdown to display this on speakers' profile and also if needed on speaker badges when you design them.
Use the Filter and Sort icons to find specific speakers or organize the list of speakers easily.
Click the Columns icon to choose what speaker information you want to display on this tab.
Note: If you have already created an agenda and added speakers to the sessions, these speakers will be also be displayed in the Speakers tab in the Website Builder.
Feature speakers
Make important speakers stand out from the rest by displaying them in the Home page of your website.
Go to Manage > Speakers, from the Dock.
Open the dropdown menu of the speaker you want to feature and click Feature. The star icon will turn orange when the speaker is featured.
Note: You can also feature members in the Design tab in the Website Builder. Click the Settings icon [ ] in the Featured speakers section in the Speakers tab and the Speaker settings panel will display. Next, click the Feature speakers button in the Arrange speakers tab. Finally, search for any speaker, select the checkbox against their profile picture and click the Feature button.
To stop featuring a speaker
Go to Manage > Speakers, from the Dock.
Open the dropdown menu of the speaker you want to feature and click Feature. The star icon will be black if the speaker is not featured.
Edit a speaker's profile
Modify details in a speakers profile.
Go to Manage > Speakers, from the Dock.
Click the Edit button associated with the speaker. The Edit Speaker panel will appear. From here, you can:
Edit the preset name of the speaker.
Click Change or Delete to change or remove the profile photo. If a photo is not already set, you can add a new photo by clicking Choose Photo. Click the Edit icon to Resize, Crop, Rotate or Flip the image.
Add / Modify the organization, designation, skills and description of the speaker.
Add or modify social pages links and other personal information for the speaker like contact numbers and address.
Click Done.
Delete a speaker
Remove a speaker from your event.
Go to Manage > Speakers, from the Dock.
Open the dropdown menu of the speaker you want to remove and click Delete. The Delete Speaker dialogue box appears.
Click Delete.
Note: Deleted speakers will not be able to access the event anymore. This means that they will be removed from upcoming sessions. If they are a part of ongoing or completed sessions, they will not be able to access them but will still be listed as a speaker for those sessions.